Music Page

If you have any pictures of you at concerts or of your fave bands or singers, please send them to along with your bolt name. You can also send your opinion if you would like it posted here. You can b/n members with common music interests to make some new friends. The idea for this page was submitted by

Here's what some of the members of the Palace had to say about Music:

"What kind of music do you like?"

ladypatriots says,
"I like rap & r&b music because I just love the way it sounds."

Sweet_JoJo_16 says,
"i like dance the most but i also like rnb rap hip hop and pop"

BluEyedRebel says,

"i like all kinds just depends on my mood i guess"

kyboolovesu says,

"Same depends on what I am feeling like. Blues if I feel blue, hip hop if I want to dance, jazz if I feel like chillin', and lovers rock if I want to chill with my baby."

Quelkel says,

"most all. right now im into the christian rock. i also like blues and jazzy music, its cool and comfortable."

Superchick1983 says,

"I listen to a variety of stuff but like mostly everyone else it depends on my mood."

nitengale_05 says,

"I like a lot of different kinds of music. Pop and Country tend to get on my nerves though. What I listen to also depends on my mood."

partygirl_05 says,

" depends on my mood...when im in the party mood then its hip hop and stuff like tha...but like righ now im listenin to jimmy eat world."

HoTtNFiEsTy says,

"I like all types of music except country, hard rock and classical"

SkiVB14 says,
"Mainly I listen to pop and rap."

JewelWings says,

"I like all kinds of music, too."

Rubenslover says,

"I'm all kinds but I'm mostly an oldies girl lol."

p_rican_mama04 says,

"LOL. Hmm...I like Broadway (I know it sounds stupid), Disney , pop, rap, r and b, and latin!! I think that's all"

apollos_arrow says,

"Music is truely my thang, r&b most of the times . But otherwise almost every genre of music."

rockthefarm22 says,

"hip hop, rap, pop, r&b, oldies, punk, emo... basically everything except country and opera"

KraZy-gurL_03 says,

"Rock, metal, punk, ska, classic rock, alternative..all that kinda stuff."

spottedtoesocks says,

"definately rock... metal, punk, or clasic- kinda hard, but not really... and if you know who to listen 2, i love Christian rock, but almost anything rock is good. i cant say i dont love jazz though 2."

snowangel62389 says,
"i like anything and everything"

BlackDymond51 says,

"when it comes to music, I like pretty much a little bit of everything"

cluelessone18 says,

"i love a lot of music like rap hip hop r&b pop country latin a lil bit of rock a lil bit of like punky music but im not a big fan of oldies and stuff but then again it depends on the artist i guess... "

lil_cubanita says,

"latin music -- alternative mostly (like Juanes and Julieta Venegas)"

goodenuf2eat1002 says,

"i listen to rock and heavy metal"

asquad15 says,

"i like rap/hihop, rock. i listen to mostly almost everything , but mostly rap."

aarianna says,


Abrody_lover says,

"I enjoy a lot of kinds of music, im pretty electic so feel free to put whatever, but im more mainstream everything"

spiderman0817 says,

"rock, some punk, rap/hiphop, metal, pop, lil r&b"

bLoNdEbRaT1002 says,

"I like Christian rock...I like alternative rock too"

Sxysalsadancer says,

"I mostly listen to hip hop, rap, r&b, but i actually listen to a little of everything...depending on my mood!"

BritChick_UK68 says,


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