The Palace Staff!!!

Thank you to the Palace Staff for all the help with the website! Under construction! Check back later! There will be pics and info about our staff. Palace staff send your pics and info about you to

Jen aka Sexicheergurl01

Jen helps ALOT with the club website. :) She posts all of our Contest Information onto the site. The pages she makes are always very nice looking. Thank you for your help Jen!

Roie aka FairyLaLaLand

This is Roie! She is our leading Advice Columnist! :) She gives VERY good advice so visit our advice page and send her your problems. Heres what she has to say "Ok, so here's a little background info on the great Roie :-D. I'm 17 I live in south Louisiana. Yeahhh.. I say "y'all" and I'm pretty much a country girl. What can I say? Anyways, I'm realllllly talkative, very random, and I try to be as friendly as possible. I love to help people when they need it... maybe it's 'cause I do all kinda not so good things and it's a way to keep my karma in balance... hmmm... ;) If anyone needs advice or anything at all.. email your questions to and I'll try my very hardest to get back to y'all. ... and if you wanna know anything more about me go check out my profile and suches... *SmOOcheS* " Thank you for all your help Roie!

Dawn aka JewelWings

This is Dawn! She made lots of banners for the club and hosted the Best Friends Contest! Here's what she has to say. :) "Hey everyone! My name is Dawn and my screen name is JewelWings. I am 32 years old and from sunny Florida. I have one sister named Traci(Scorpia1981,on Bolt). I love music, dancing, singing, traveling and reading. I love being a part of this awesome and terrific club!!" Thank you for all your help Dawn!

Jocelynne aka l0v3d

This is Jocelynne! She makes banners and icons for the club. She also is a leader and hosted the Blinkie Contest! She does the Beauty section of the newsletter so if you have a beauty question b/n her because she knows everything there is to know about it. :) She's also a really nice person and a good friend of mine!