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Just Causes

These are causes that I chose to support. Some of these issues may be controversial. Please be respectful to mine and others opinions, because they are just that: opinions.

* Some of the causes I chose to support are:

* Matthew Shepard Foundation - Matt Shepard was a college student who was brutally beatened and left to die, tied to a fence at the outskirts of his town. The reason? He was gay. Help raise awareness so this brutality will never take place again. I'm heterosexual, but I believe everyone has a right to live.

* Susan B. Komen Foundation - This foundation was founded in memory of Susan B. Komen, a victim of breast cancer. Did you know that almost 100% of tumors found early can be treated? Remember, breast cancer affects everyone (male or female), not just the victims.

* AIDS - This epidemic has infected nearly 40 million individuals. Anyone can get AIDS, so gain knowledge by visiting this site and supporting those who are affected.

Gay Rights

The Matthew Shepard Foundation

Women's Issues

The Susan B. Komen Foundation


AIDS Awareness