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+ Updates +

October 11, 2oo1
I am going to be taking this site down later today to work on it and make it just a matt hardy fansite. so please stay tuned....
October 9, 2oo1
I am so sorry i haven't worked on this site in a month. I am going to be making it into a Matt Hardy fansite only. That will be up in about a month so for now this site is going to be under construction. -Lauren
September 6, 2oo1
I think i'm gonna be getting "eXtreme" today!!! Hopefully......
September 2, 2oo1
Tonight on Sunday Night Heat Matt won his match against Chuck Palumbo. Go Matt!
I'm also in the process of majorly updating (and redesigning) this page. Please dont be mad at me for not updating so often.

August 31, 2oo1

August 25, 2oo1
Team Xtreme has they're own special edition magazine!! Yay! I'm really excited and I know all you team xtreme fans are too!
Order it now. It comes out September 4, 2oo1. =) August 21, 2oo1
Yay! Congratulations Matt!!! Matt retained his European championship from Christian lastnight on Raw is War. =).

August 20, 2oo1
Well its the day after Summerslam. Jeff sadly lost the Hardcore ladders match agains Rob Van Dam. But he put up a great fight and it was an overall good match for Jeff. =).
Also announced by Christian on Summerlam they're is going to be a match between him and Matt for his European Title on Raw is War tonight! Good Luck Matt!!!! =).
I've also added more Jeff pictures and updated the links pages and stuff. I'm having a Smallproblem uploading pictures so its gonna be a while before I get the pictures up from when I saw Matt and Lita at WWFNY. But they will be up soon!

August 19, 2oo1
Tonight is Summerslam! I just want to wish Jeff Hardy good luck on his match against Rob Van Dam tonight!!! Lets all hope he wins!
I fixed the Jeff picture gallery and added more pictures to the Lita gallery. I also added a message board and a poll and a mailing list! Please join!

August 15, 2oo1
Well I'm back....this site is under some major construction so deal with me people. When its done its going to be really cool!
Jeff won the WWF Hardcore championship monday night on Raw!!! Congratulations Jeff!
Ok. Well I know your all waiting for it....what happened on Saturday! I met the Hardy Boyz! Yay! Ok I'm not going to write the whole story here for lack of space. Go to "Personal Experiences" and you can read about it there. =)

August 10, 2oo1
Tommorow i'll be going to a Hardy Boyz signing at WWFNY!!! =). If your in the New York area you should check it out the signing is from 3-4 PM. I'll give the full report tommorow!

Team X-Treme will be on MTV's Tough Enough this Thursday August 9, 2oo1 at 10:00 PM right after Smackdown!!!

Jeff, Matt and Lita will all be on WWF Superstars next Sunday morning August 12, 2oo1 at 10:00 AM on TNN. The episode will feature Jeff riding his bike on his track, his volcano, and thoughts from him and the rest of Team Xtreme.


This Month's Cover of Raw Magazine:
Click Picture for Team Xtreme Articles
This Month's Cover of WWF Magazine:

Click Picture for Team Xtreme Articles

Raw Is War Updates

Taken from

September 3, 2oo1
n an Intergender Tag Team match, Matt Hardy and Lita took on Ivory and the Hurricane. When Matt went to hit the Hurricane with a legdrop, Perry Saturn ran to ringside and grabbed him! That allowed the Hurricane to make the pin on Matt! After the match ended, Saturn attacked Helms, and demanded to know where Moppy was!
The main event on RAW pitted Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam and Rhyno against the returning Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho. Early in the match, Jericho tagged in Jeff Hardy, who was immediately pounded on by RVD. But, even with his sore ribs, Jeff made it to the top rope and hit RVD with a Swanton Bomb! Even though he had took down Van Dam, Hardy hurt himself in the process. Finally, Jeff was able to tag in Jericho, who took out Rhyno but then was attacked by RVD! Jericho reversed on of Van Dam's holds, however, and pinned Van Dam for the win!

August 20, 2oo1
The first match of the night was a six-woman tag team match, pitting Lita, Molly Holly and Jacqueline against three Alliance divas – Ivory, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. The rematch from Sunday Night HEAT saw Jacqueline pin Ivory to give the Federation women the win!
Next up, Christian challenged Matt Hardy for the Federation’s European Championship. Before the match, Christian said that everyone knew that the people of Sacramento were paying millions of dollars to Chris Webber for a championship that he was never going to win, but not to worry. He said he would win the European Championship for them free of charge. Christian looked to have the match won after hitting a reverse DDT, but Hardy kicked out. Hardy then countered with his Twist of Fate to retain the European Championship.
August 13, 2oo1
Kurt Angle sipped at a glass of milk in the back when Lita and Matt Hardy approached him. The two questioned if Angle was ok enough to go out for a match this evening. Angle assured them that he was fine. He then made fun of Stone Cold and Hurricane Helms. He said that anybody - including Aquaman - was a better superhero than Green Lantern. Hurricane Helms then broke in and said that nobody could beat the Green Lantern. He slapped away Angle's milk and a scuffle broke out. Helms ended up sprawled out on the table with a metal tray smashed over his head. Angle said that nobody spills his milk and that no superhero was a match for an Olympic Hero! Angle left for his match while Matt Lita surveyed the destruction left behind. "So who is your favorite superhero?" Matt asked Lita while munching on a snack. "Wonder Woman of course," she responded.
With Angle dazed on the top rop, RVD sprang up in an attempt to smack his oppenent, but Angle met him in mid-air and slapped him down then latched on the ankle lock! Suddenly Raven and Mike Awesome raced in and broke things up. But also coming into the ring was Jeff Hardy! Hardy helped clear away the Alliance Superstars and hit a Swanton Bomb on RVD! Tommy Dreamer also came out to lend a hand but found himself screaming pain as Angle applied the ankle lock! Jeff rolled up RVD as the referee counted to three and awarded Jeff the Hardcore Championship. After clearing the ring of all enemies, the new Hardcore Champion and Kurt Angle shook hands in the ring. Stone Cold couldn't believe what he was seeing!

August 6, 2oo1
Just 13 days before SummerSlam, RAW IS WAR exploded from the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, Calif.!

Lita was getting something to drink backstage when she ran into Debra. Lita said she was very impressed by Debra last Thursday on SmackDown! for talking back to Austin.

She said she knew it was probably hard to live with a man like Stone Cold, and Debra got offended, asking what she meant by that. Lita said that it was odd to her that such a sweet woman like Debra could get along with a man like Austin. Debra was very offended, and said she would talk to Lita later. She then walked away in a huff.

In Stone Cold's locker room, Debra complained to her husband about what Lita had just said, embellishing a bit by saying Lita called Austin "trailer trash" and said that Matt Hardy could beat Austin's butt any day of the week!

Matt Hardy and Lita talked backstage, and were approached by Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin said that Debra had told him everything she had said, and Lita denied the allegations. Austin told Lita to shut up, and Matt said not to talk to her like that! Austin said that if Lita was so confident that Matt could kick his ass, then maybe they should meet in the ring later in the night!

Stone Cold walked backstage and saw Lita talking on her cell phone. He accused her of telling more lies, and she said the whole thing was just a misunderstanding. She said it was stupid, and he said they'd see who looked stupid tonight.

With Debra and Lita at ringside, World Wrestling Federation Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin took on European Champion Matt Hardy in a non-title match. Matt got the early advantage on the Rattlesnake, but Stone Cold rallied back, assaulting the North Carolina native. Austin soon started choking Matt and wouldn't let go, as Debra and Lita got into it. Lita soon wound up in the ring, and Austin hit the Stunner on Lita. Matt snuck up behind Austin and went for the Twist of Fate, but Austin reversed, hit the Stunner and pinned Matt for the 1-2-3. After the bout, Austin talked trash to Lita, and assaulted referee Tim White.

Smackdown Updates

Taken from
September 4, 2oo1
The opening match on the show pitted the high-flying Hardy Boyz -- accompanied by Lita -- against Raven and Justin Credible, who were led to the ring by Terri. Lita and Terri had some words before the match, and Terri even shoved Lita to the outside of the ring! Moments later, Jeff stunned the Alliance members with the Poetry in Motion all the way to the outside of the ring! All four men soon spilled into the ring, and Justin went for the Twist of Fate on Matt Hardy! But Matt powered out, hit a Twist of Fate of his own, and Jeff then hit a Swanton Bomb for the win! After the match, Terri got into the ring and got in the face of Matt, Jeff and Lita -- so Lita hit her with a Twist of Fate!

August 24, 2oo1
Emanating from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colo., SmackDown! kicked off live with a Hardcore Championship rematch from SummerSlam with Rob Van Dam defending his title against the unpredictable Jeff Hardy. Both men showcased their respective high-flying maneuvers until Van Dam set up a table outside the ring. RVD attempted to suplex Hardy from the top rope through the table, but Hardy reversed it with a hurricanrana, which catapulted the Hardcore Champ back into the ring. Hardy grabbed a ladder from under the ring and set it up next to the table. The challenger then laid Van Dam on the table and climbed to the top of the steel structure. Hardy went for his patented Swanton Bomb off the ladder, but RVD moved, forcing Hardy to slam through the table and onto the floor. Several Federation officials ran to ringside and helped the high flyer to the back. As RVD watched Hardy being wheeled away, Raven attacked his fellow Alliance member from behind. Van Dam finally got the momentum back on his side, eventually winning the match after hitting his Five-Star Frog Splash on Raven for the win.
Next up, Lita took on the Alliance’s Ivory. Heavy chants of “Lita” sounded in the arena as the red-haired vixen climbed the ropes to attempt a moonsault. At that point, Hurricane Helms ran to ringside and distracted Lita. The Federation diva tried to attack Helms, but the former WCW Cruiserweight Champ pulled down the top rope, forcing Lita to take a header to the outside. Helms then threw Lita back into the ring, allowing Ivory to gain the win. After the match, Matt Hardy rushed to the ring to chase Helms and Ivory to the backstage area.

August 16, 2oo1
A new era began in the World Wrestling Federation with the August 16 episode of SmackDown! Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People" opened the show, which featured a brand-new logo, brand-new theme song, and even a brand-new set, complete with a fist breaking through glass and a blowaway fireworks show! Also, to celebrate the new fall season on UPN, SmackDown! was live for the first time ever!
In tag action, Chris Jericho and Hardcore Champion Jeff Hardy took on Rob Van Dam and Rhyno, who was accompanied to the ring by Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Stephanie soon interjected herself, holding Jericho's leg, and allowing Rhyno to nail him with a huge shoulder to the gut. Rhyno Gored Jeff, only to be nailed by a Jericho dropkick. Moments later, RVD brought a ladder into the ring and drove it into Jeff's chin! Van Dam then hit the Five-Star Frog Splash and pinned the Hardcore Champion to win the bout for his team! After the bout, Stephanie was all alone in the ring when Jericho approached her! He backed her into the corner, and when Rhyno went for the Gore from behind, Y2J barely moved out of the way. The momentary distaction allowed Stephanie to escape.
Lita and Matt Hardy checked on Jeff backstage. Jeff said that he wasn't happy with this Sunday's match at SummerSlam being just a Hardcore Title match -- it would be a Hardcore Ladder Match, with the title hanging above the ring!

August 9, 2oo1
Matt and Jeff Hardy talked in the locker room, and Matt said that Lita would be OK after Austin's brutal attack on RAW. Kurt Angle then approached the Hardys, and psyched them up for the six-man elimination match on SmackDown! Kurt complimented the Hardys on their new "Live for the Moment" T-shirts, and showed off his tattoo to show how extreme he is! Jeff told Kurt that he had some red, white and blue hair dye, and asked Kurt if he wanted to borrow some -- and Kurt said he would stick with the tattoo!
The main event on SmackDown! was the six-man elimination match, as Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Dudley Boyz took on Kurt Angle and the Hardy Boyz. The first man to go was D-Von Dudley, who tapped out to Angle's ankle lock. Next, Bubba Ray Dudley pinned Matt Hardy following a Bubba Bomb. Moments later, Jeff Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb on Bubba, but with the ref distracted, Stone Cold gave Jeff a Stunner, allowing Bubba to pin Jeff. Shortly after that, Angle pinned Bubba with an Angle Slam -- and the match was down to Austin against Angle.
Angle locked Austin into the ankle lock, and even though the Rattlesnake got to the ropes, he was still tapping out. Although they were eliminated earlier, the Dudleys headed back to the ring and assaulted Angle with a chair. Austin hit Angle with a Stunner, and the Dudleys hit 3-D. Stone Cold then trapped Angle's ankle into a steel chair and crashed down on top of the chair, crushing Angle's ankle in the process. The Hardys ran down for the save, but the damage was done -- Angle taken out on a stretcher.
The Rattlesnake mocked Angle as he was being taken away, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the fallen American hero. At the top of the ramp, he again attacked Angle, but Angle had the presence of mind to grab Austin and put him in the ankle lock! Stone Cold escaped, and stared down Angle as SmackDown! went off the air!

August 2, 2001
The first match on SmackDown! pitted the high-flying Hardy Boyz -- accompanied by Lita -- against the WCW Tag Team Champions, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire, in a non-title bout.

Matt hit the Twist of Fate on O'Haire and Jeff nailed the Swanton, but with the referee distracted, Palumbo superkicked Jeff, allowing O'Haire to pin him for the win.

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