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My husband started to collect Humpty Dumpty about 20 years ago. Now we have so many that most are in storage. It started with an original oil painting that his mother did for him years prior. The picture that started it all was a Life magazine cover done by Maxfield Parrish, the original magazine as well as the oil painting hang proudly in our Living Room. The Life cover has Humpty Dumpty dressed in an Eaton collar and drinking tea.

So that is the story of why we collect Humpty Dumpty and Maxfield Parrish prints.

This is American Gothic -
Humpty Dumpty style

This is the most unusual
Humpty that I have seen on the Web-
so far!

Updated versions of the rhyme

Humpty Dumpty sat on a TV.
Humpty Dumpty fell on a buzzing bee.
All the Queen's servants
And all the Queen's maids
Couldn't bandage him up,
So they made scrambled eggs!

~ Humpty 2001 ~

Yo yo yo, word up!
Humtpy Dumpty sat his fat ass on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a huge ass fall, yo!
All those kings horses, and all those king's men,
no bes ables to puts Humpty Dumpty togethers again, yo!

This is the funniest
Humpty that I have seen on the Web-
so far!

~ My Favorite Bumper Sticker ~

