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Not just another Boy Band
Email Underachevrs at
Updated 06/18/02
- Well I don't know who would be reading this right now but this site is over a year old now as I was reading through it the other day and noticed that.
- Ummm, let's see here, underachevrs are dead so freaking go home already.
- and umm, oh yeah, check out nate's new band fear of understanding.


- The pictures from our last show are now up in the pics page. I think you'll enjoy them.
- Also, here's the setlist from our show at south palm.


- A Final word. We'd like to thank everyone again for taking part in our dream. God has blessed us greatly. He's blessed me personally with three friends ythat are as close as brothers, and the best year of my life. It's been an incredible, crazy year. In which we have learned a great deal about God, music, girls and friendship. Do not blame Nathan for breaking us up because we wouldn't have wanted to do it with out him. I also had some repressed feeling about wanting to move on. We wish Nathan luck and are very proud of him. I hope that this has been a stepping stone to great musical futures. Thank you.


- We'd just like to say thank you to a few people who helped us and supported us. Scott Gravatt for getting us started, and for inspiration for Check Judy (as well many other things). Circle productions for signing us (for some reason), and pushing us to get better. Eulie for giving us a chance (even though he often wondered if he had made a mistake). All the former band members John, Rich and Dave. For satying with it for awhile even though we completely sucked back then. Ross for being the best unauthorized videographer a band could have. Richard a great man, and the best roadie a band could have. Also for taking over for Ross, and keeping us happy. Dougy Doug for being another great roadie/videographer. Mike for going to shows, practices, taking pics, and filming. The Jakester (Mr. Amazing) for being a great fan, and for praying for us on wenesday. Meg, Iris, Tiff and Lily the underachevrs girls and great fans. Meg for managing (I guess). Fear of Understanding for giving us a shout out once, and Derek for comming to the last show (treat our boy good). B-Brad for letting us play a bunch of times, and for being a great guy. Boca Raton Community Church, Suncoast Community Church, and South Palm Community Church. I Am Spartacus/Unworthy/No Reply for playing with us, getting us shows plus being great friends. All the bands we played with EverSincEve, U-Turn, Free Refills and Assembly Required. Jeremy for that great farewell tribute, and for doing sound. Ashely for working with us on the October show. The fan club. Youth Pastors Sean Mahan and Jim Cumberford. Weezer and Enterlost for musical inspiration. The Hudson's for support and for liking Check Judy. All the rest of the fans (I think there are some). Thanks for supporting us throught the high and low times and for atleast pretending to like us. All the girls that messed with my head for inspiration for lyrics. Most importantly God for wisdom, strength and musical ability.


- "I'd like to clear things up right now. I assure you that Matt, Justin and myself devised no such plan as to kidnap Nathan on the way to a track meet. Having Justin replace him so he can live out his unrealized dreams of being a track star. Keeping Nathan locked in our "secret basement," and repalcing him with a well trained monkey double. Forcing him to play guitar at gun point. Having several monkey snipers scattered throughout the palce where were playing." - Stephen


- Tonight, as of now, is our last show. We will only be playing Bittersweet. We would have hoped to play a regular show as our last but we were not able to get a date. We hope that all our fans can make it as this is the end. Look for more updates possibly tommorrow or sometime very soon.


- Our show last Saturday went great. Eversinceve was incredible and we had a great time playing with them. We hope to do it again sometime if we can. I have some pictures from the show below and I'll try and get some more up soon.

- Also our last show is not this Saturday the 16th. It should be in about 2 weeks but we will definitely keep you updated on when it is.



- There have been a couple rumors going around. I don't know where they came from, but I just want to clear up a couple of things. First, we are not touring with The Juliana Theory. I've heard a lot of people say that we were. The only band we have been touring with is No Reply. Second, we ask that we not receive so many e-mails about how sexy the underachevrs are. We know that were sexy and everything, but these e-mails were getting are just taking too much of our time to read. We try our best to reply to every fan but if these sexy e-mails keep coming up then were just not going to be able to reply to everyone. So were sorry for that.
- Also I put up a new song in the lyrics page called "You Don't Like Happy Endings"


- We have a show this comming saturday the 9th at South Plam Community Church (directions) With No Reply and Ever Since Eve. It's free and doors open at 6:30.
- Also you can click here to see some pictures I took from the Weezer concert I went to last week or you can go to to see the ones they took.


- We finally set a date for the show it's going to be March 15th at Boca Community. We''ll post more information closer to the date. It'll be are farewell show so you won't want to miss it. If you do miss it we probably won't talk to you anymore. We are also playing at youth group this Wednesday. Will be playing our newest song Bittersweet... if you need any info contact us and we'll get back to you a.s.a.p. And so you know there is a possibilty that were going to be playing a charity show for a missions trip in the near future. We'll let you know if thats going to happen.
- Also we have a some Underachevrs trivia for you. Guess the right answer and e-mail it to us at and you could win something. We'll e-mail you back what that something is and post the winning name on the site. So here's your question:
What happened to our number one fan Robbie Gould?
A. He died, after being shot 16 times in a failed robbery attempt.
B. He's living happily and working at a new church.
C. He was involved in a major scandal involving a monkey and peanut butter, and now lives in seclusion tortured by his shame
D. He had an early retirement and now manages an emu farm in a sleepy midwestern town
E. He became a groupie for another sexier rock band if there is such a thing. I mean come on have you seen Nate with out his shirt.


- Due to some obstacles such as exams and vacations we have had to postpone the recording and show. Sorry and thank you for being patient. We hope to have dates for both of these by next week. Now if you haven't heard we are getting back together. Atleast part time any way. Once or twice a month we will be leading worship, and playing a few of our songs at Boca Raton Community Church high school youth group.
- Also there is a new song in on the lyrics page.


- Well the show last night went pretty well. Other than some slight technical and pic problems. Sorry we have no pictures because we had problems with the camers. We will be recroding the demo soon either this weekend or the next. There should be some new things on the site shortly. Also since we have no pictures from the show, here is a random pic for you. Enjoy.


- Well the site is finally updated but hasn't been pretty much due to the fact that we are underachevrs and there really hasn't been too much news. But there is now. First, we are playing at youth group this wednesday night 12/12/01. Were playing new song.
- Also our band is in the process of breaking up. We'll be together for about another month and then that's it. We'll be having out last show some time in January and were recording a cd next week which we'll be selling to all the great fans who want to buy one. Details on all this will be coming shortly, hopefully.


- To let everyone know, our band is going through some very hard times right now and our future is uncertain and we ask you all to just pray for us.


- Put some pics up from our show last friday in the pics page and there should be more pics from that show coming soon
- And I put Richard's bio up on the bio page


- We had a concert last night that went really really really ricdicously well. Thanks to Ashley for being the sound guy, Richard P. for being the rodie and setting us up and filming the show, No Reply for opening for us and playing Check Your Mama with us, Mike and Issac for taking time out of there busy life to come see us, Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. Hood for allowing us to play and supervising, Jorge for his amazing tamberine playing in Plastic Monkey Machine, those 3 sexy guys from Requiem for Soul who came down form Georgia, Lilly for stamping people's hands and collecting money, Brad for letting me use the shaker for Requiem for Soul, Boca Raton Community Church for letting us play at the Recreation Activity Center (RAC), Mark for being there to be able to let us dedicate Indestructable to him and for teaching us soccer, and to all our wonderful and faithfull fans who came and supported us and came to CiCi's after the show, including two girls (Iris and Tiffany) who actually wore our shirts because without you it wouldn't be possible (even the four fans who showed up after the show, we won't mention any names...Dawn, Danielle, Mackenzy, and Cheryl).
- Also I'll be putting pics up from that show A.S.A.P.


- Well to get you all hyped up for our upcoming show, I went ahead and put up some incredible pics from my camera on the pics page so go check those out


- I put 2 new songs "Smart Girl" and New Song which is what it's called now because we don't have a name for it yet on the lyrics page.
- Some new pics should be up soon from some of our past concerts and what not


- We have a show October 12 with No Reply at Boca Raton Community Church. Doors open at 7:30. For directions click here, it'll be in the Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC) It's for a fund raiser and all the preceeds go to help pay for Boca Raton Christian High School missions trips. We'd like you all to please come as this will probably be our best show ever. Were going to play some new songs as well too.


- Well today was my birthday and it was a pretty fun day to say the least. I got a new bass pedal which is really cool. Thanks to our new roadie Richard P. who picked it out for me.
- We should be getting a domain name soon. Were still trying to figure out what's better, or If you have any suggestions then e-mail us at
- And we wrote the music for the Happy song which is going to be a really good song.


- I know you've probably heard it a million times already, but please pray for the family and friends of those that were involved in the tragedies that took place in New York and Washington, DC on Tuesday September 11, 2001.
- Also I put the lyrics up for "Iris" in the lyrics page


- Turns out that were not playing this Friday, but we do have a few shows lined up in the near future
- Also I added a links page to some of our favorite sites for you to check out
- And I put Megan's bio up (she's our band manager)


- More things will be added to the site so be checking back for that - links, pics, songs etc.


- We've been having some good practices lately and are coming up with some great songs so be looking forward to seeing us in concert whenever we play our next show
- I added a new song "I.P. We Hardly Knew Thee" to the lyrics page along with Stephen's essay "Space Moneyism" and the explanation to "Song of my Soul"


- With school and other things, I'm not sure if I will be able to update the site on a regualr basis but I'll do my best to keep you updated on what's going on
- I put 4 new songs in the lyrics page that are well worth checking out


- Hey everyone, sorry about the site not being updated but my internet has been down for a while, but there will be lots of new stuff coming
- We just played a little show last night at South Palm Community Church with UNWoRTHY and Assembly Required. The show was really great even though we only played 2 songs cause Justin our drummer was out of the country. Thanks to all who came and supported us.
- Also we added to the lyrics page our style of music for each of our songs so be sure to check that out.


- This Saturday's concert has been reschueled for August 15 due to a lot of fans being out of town and what not.
- And for those of you who don't know yet, we just recently signed with Circle Productions, along with Whiteout, Chosenx, and Sondazed


- Click here for directions and info on our concert with UNWoRTHY this Saturday.
- I added a "Last Words" interview with Stephen, Matt, and Nate on there bio pages.


- Stephen added some more to his essay "About Us" in the Lyrics page
- Also I added to the Lyrics page, "The Brutal Revenge of the Space Monkeys" and the last line of "The Happy Song That Isn't True Because You Don't Love Me"


- Turns out that we won't be playing our show this Friday due to it being to much of a hassle
But we will be playing on the 28th (Saturday) along with UNWoRTHY which will be a really good show and directions to the show will be up soon


- New pics from our 3rd show on the Pics page
- We now have 14 members in the fan club and if you haven't joined, then click here to do so.
- Also don't forget we have a show this friday for a talent show and another one on the 28th which will be really good. Once I get info on them, I'll post it.


- Ross Evans bio is now up in the Bios page


- I put Robby's bio up in the Bio's page


- I just made an Underachevrs Message Board. So now all you fans can talk about us and see what's going on


- The bios are finally up! Click here to check them out
- The Underachevrs had an un-announced concert sunday (7/01/01).
Sorry to the fans who didn't know about it. There should be one coming up in mid July
- Also thanks to all who have joined the Fan Club. We now have 12 members I think.


- I added some more pics from our first show to the picspage


- I put up explanations of our songs in the lyrics page
- Also there is an essay that stephen wrote called "About Us"
- And I just put a ton of new pics on the pics page so be sure to check those out


- The fan club now has 9 members. If you haven't joined then please do.
- More facts have been added to the facts page and I will add more soon
- Bios will be up as soon as Stephen feels like working on them with me
- 2 new songs have been added to the lyrics page and band bios will be up soon
- The Underachevrs fan club is getting bigger as we now have 2 members.

Underachevrs links
Interesting facts about The Underachevrs
The Underachevrs store - Coming soon
The Underachevrs Fan Club. Click here to Join