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MGA Twin Cam Confidential Service Memoranda

Memos issued by BMC Service Ltd to MG dealers from 1958 to 1963, detailing actions to be taken when servicing the MGA Twin Cam.

Index to Improvements and Alterations February 1961

MG231 Connecting rod assemblies
MG234 Water loss
MG235 Master cylinder & wheel cylinder seals
MG236 Connecting rod assemblies (Cancels MG231)
MG237 Fan belt dynamo pulley
MG237A Fan belt dynamo pulley (Corrected)
MG238 Fuel octane requirements
MG240 Important modifications - Front spring spigot, piston scraper rings, oil pump drive spindle
MG245 Valve guides - Oversize in replacement engines
MG248 Distributor clamping
MG249 Battery covers
MG251 Fitting camshaft bearing caps
MG252 Connecting rod assemblies (Cancels MG236)
MG253 Important modifications - Tappets, sparking plugs
MG257 Timing cover gasket
MG259 Valve guides - Oversize in replacement engines (Cancels MG245)

MG262 Important modifications - Connecting rods
MG264 Carburetter damper piston
MG267 Flywheel dowels
MG275 Crankshaft, flywheel and clutch assemblies
MG276 Tappet clearance
MG278 Important modifications - Axle shafts, anti-roll bar assembly, piston rings
MG282 Remedies for possible complaints
MG286 Air cleaner venturi
MG288 Remedies for possible complaints (Cancels MG282)
MG294 Hood folding
MG296 Piston failure
MG297 Gearbox front cover centraliser
MG301 Campaign change of distributor
MG307 Piston rings

MG309 Main and connecting rod bearings
MG310 Valve springs
MG325 Piston Failure
MG331 Brake pipe unions
MG332 Disc brake pads
MG335 Oil filter elements - washing in petrol
MG338 Hard top and sliding sidescreens
MG342 Control box (Cancels MG324)
MG344 Piston failure (Cancels MG325)
MG358 Scratches on flexible back-lights
MG385 Seat belts
MG394 Hood sealing (Cancels MG365)
MG398 Windscreen re-glazing (convertibles only)
MG416 Crankshaft thrust washers