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I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I am a liar. If that isn't what you are thinking, then you are wrong. I, in fact, have no idea what you are thinking.

Now then, let us properly introduce ourselves. First, we frequently refer to ourselves in the plural. This makes it seem as though there are more of us than actually is the case. In reality, there are two main contributors to MUI, myself included. So, as you can see, only one of us is typing, yet the "we" form is still utilized.

Yet another useless paragraph. However, if you are still reading this introduction, then I am sure that you are intelligent enough to realize that insightful comments are coming up. I am Blade, and along with my associate Cypher, we make up the current team here at the MUI.
Sure, you think, that's fine. Blade and Cypher. Riiiiight. That's really not the point, though. The point is, this is an introduction. Yes, that's all. And you still haven't introduced yourselves. In fact, I'm thinking about leaving. You're being rude. If you're still reading this, you have far too much time on your hands.