Denizens Land Mystic Historic Government

Glossary of Ailurian Words

a (conversational): yes, affirmative, "it is so".
aeis (noun): ice, frozen water.
aera (noun): air, wind-element.
af (noun): pain. Usually undeserved.
aipak (noun): traveling blanket carried by peripatetic or nomadic performers and craftspeople, doubles as a tent, pillow, and cloak, most often in earth tones with bright symbolic borders.
aktur (adjective): definitive, authoritative, genuine, authentic.
aladriare (verb): to rediscover.
alaiah (noun): mercy, pity, forgiveness.
alaiahare (verb): to have mercy, be merciful.
ambare (verb): to walk, tread, step.
ambe (adjective): round.
aniel (adjective): female, feminine.
ara (adjective): a higher form of "are", royal.
aran (noun): web, net. Also, spiderweb.
aranare (verb): to link, weave, chain together.
are (adjective): important, high, with authority.
are (verb): to be, exist, have a certain characteristic.
argen (noun, adjective): silver, silvern.
ari (noun): fire, flames. Always plural. Also, see "fla".
arin: (adjective): fiery.
au (noun): howl, ululation.
auare (verb): to howl.
az (noun): person, individual.
bazilia (noun): court, law court or political.
bazili'az (noun): courtier. Also, litigant.
bei (noun): hair, fur. Always plural.
bek (noun): small stream, brook.
ben (adjective): good, beneficial.
beneseare (verb): to bless, grace, consecrate.
berenmei (noun): countenance, visage, mien, features. Always plural.
beseia (noun): floor, ground.
bih (noun): gaze, stare.
bihalare (verb): to gaze, stare.
birare (verb): to drink, imbibe, consume.
biu (adjective): melodious, consonant, pleasing.
bri (noun): trousers, pants. Always plural.
chairea (noun): obsession, devotion, love.
dian (adjective): sharp, pointed. Also, perceptive, observant.
direare (verb): to charm, please, delight.
distrainsa (adjective): better, beneficial, magnanimous.
draku (noun): a member of the Drakui species, similar to mythic Terran dragons
dreu (noun): flight, air travel.
dreuare (verb): to fly, soar, glide.
dris (noun): rain, precipitation, condensation.
dukir (noun): metal string, wire.
dzam(a) (noun, adjective): sapphire, blue crystal or stone. Also, vivid blue. Mineral-jargon.
dzarin (noun, adjective): sapphire, blue crystal. Alternative for "dzama".
e (preposition): to, out of, toward.
ei (pronoun): them, accusative third-person plural.
eir (pronoun): they, nominative third-person plural.
eis (pronoun): their, third-person possessive. (Used also for theirs).
e'hrare (verb): to grieve, mourn.
ered (adjective): beautiful, fair, lovely.
eth (suffix): -clan, of the clan of, family of.
etrin (noun): lady. Formal title.
eulal (adverb?) because, for the reason.
ev (noun): journey, period of travel.
fakeare (verb): to make, create, do, accomplish.
felino (noun): "true" cat, unshifting, feline-appearing inhabitant of Ailuria, felinoid with opposable dewclaws.
fiare (verb): to shine, glow, beam.
fla (noun): fire, flame. Also, see "ari".
flamare (verb): to burn, combust.
fugare (verb): to flee, escape, run away.
fur (noun): thief, scoundrel. Insult.
gembi (adjective): lazy-appearing, accomplished, fulfilled, efficient.
haia (noun): custom or taboo of felinoids to wear clothing in public. M'ae have no siliar taboo, but follow haia when among felinoids.
hanare (verb): to overcome, conquer, rise up against.
hes (noun): demon, twisted, cold creature.
hmet (noun): town, city, village, population.
ik (noun): small twig (rustic term).
il (conjunction): and, in addition to, plus.
iladi (noun): ring, band, circle. Always plural (circles are infinite).
im (pronoun): he, nominative, subject. Also, him, accusative, direct object.
im (pronoun): his, possessive (long I)
imal (adverb, adjective, preposition) off.
infeare (verb): to menace, threaten, forebode, endanger.
ingen (adjective): huge, big, large.
inkola (noun): denizen, inhabitant.
inspare (verb) to prove.
insulare (verb): to isolate, insulate, shelter.
ion (noun): writing utensil.
ir (pronoun): she, nominative, subject. Also: her, accusative, direct object.
ir (pronoun): her, possessive (long I)
irare (verb): to be angry.
istoria (noun): history, recorded past.
ita (adjective): opposed to, against, anti-.
itare (verb): to be opposed to, against.
ith (suffix): like, similar to. In English, -ful or -ish.
iudej (noun): judge, arbiter.
izereare (verb): to gather, take up.
jelikul (adjective): true, internal, heartfelt, genuine.
jeprare (verb): to insist.
jersen (noun) arm, front appendage.
ka (adjective): soft, smooth, light, easy.
kaelios (adjective): dreamy, thoughtless, head-in-the-clouds, inspired, heavenly.
kaerul(a) (adjective, noun): azure. Also, vivid blue flower used for dye.
kapes (noun): head, skull. Also, leader, figurehead, chief.
karthare (verb): to bear, carry. Also to take up, lift up, sustain.
kaspiare (verb): to take, receive, accept.
kauda (noun): tail, caudal appendage.
keas (noun): chaos, anarchy, disorder, entropy.
kenare (verb): to eat, consume.
kera (noun): wax, beeswax. Also slang for candle.
keren (adjective): flowing, fluid, liquid. Also, graceful.
ki (noun): secret, arcane knowledge, mystery.
kifti (noun): little one, young one. Affectionate.
Kiranle'ara (noun): monarch- empress of the feline inhabitants of Ailuria, chosen by a trial of common sense. Until recently, only female m'ae could be considered for the post.
kla (noun): retractable toenail or fingernail, claw, talon.
kla (noun): talon or toenail, such as a bird's which does not retract.
klaiv (noun): cave, underground, tunnel.
klatare (verb): to shout, call out.
korus (noun): heart. Also, love.
kria (noun): desire, lust, need.
kriare (verb): to desire, lust after, need, covet, crave, want deeply
krisare (verb): to make, construct, craft.
kri'seare (verb): to desire, want, need, request, ask, solicit.
la (adjective): hurt, offended, pained, deeply inconvenienced.
lapos (adjective): magnetic tendency, inclining, having a black hole effect.
laur (noun): stalk, hunt, adventure, campaign.
laurare (verb): to hunt.
lazul (noun, adjective): lapis lazuli, blue.
li (preposition): under, behind.
lin (noun): truth. Also, purity, clarity.
luk (noun): light, illumination.
m' (preposition/prefix): of, pertaining to, from, about. Also, see "n'".
ma (noun): feather, quill or down.
maion (noun): quill pen, ink feather.
majare (verb): to understand.
mairn (noun): blood. Also, revenge.
marishare (verb): to wither, die dryly, dessicate.
m'az (noun): bipedal, humanoid feline race, dominant on the continent. Inherent shift ability. There are four different types: Sylvan, Polaran, Nomadic, and Subterranean.
me (qualifier suffix): may, might, possibly.
medhi (noun): healing, improvement.
medhiare (verb): to heal, soothe, ameliorate.
media (noun): health, prosperity.
meil (noun): chainmail, ring or scale armor.
mela (noun): onyx mineral or stone.
melan (adjective): black, dark.
merare (verb): to think or ponder.
meruare (verb): to improve, make better.
miare (verb): to want, desire. (1st-person singular is interesting)
minesu (noun): gentleman. Formal title.
mirf (exclamation): expression of frustration.
misereare (verb): to pity, forgive, let off, relent, acquit.
mla (noun): almond-like nut.
mul (preposition): in
Mun (noun): the "moon" of the planet on which Ailuria is located.
n' (preposition/prefix): of, from, pertaining to, about. Also, see "m'".
na (adjective): strident, piercing, penetrating.
natare (verb): to swim.
naiare (verb): to pierce, transfix, impale.
ndare (verb): to like, be fond of.
nder (noun): act, feat, performance.
ne (conversational): no, negative.
ngua (noun): tongue.
niar (noun): wide smile, grin.
niarare (verb): to grin.
nisi (conjunction): except, excluding.
nle (adjective): belonging to , part of.
on (noun): heart-voice, soul-song.
okul (noun): eye, sight organ.
okulidra (noun): eys of the draku. Always plural. Mythological significance.
omine (adjective): male, masculine.
paelare (verb): to weave.
paene (adverb): almost, nearly.
par (adjective): small, diminutive.
paret (noun): mimic. copier, plagiarizer.
patria (noun): country, nation.
per (preposition): thorugh. Also, see "u".
perui (adverb, adjective): in vain, fruitlessly.
plios (adjective or noun): gilded, lustrous, shiny; also, luster, shine, gleam.
praes (noun): price, toll.
premare (verb): to push, press.
ra (exclamation): which, what. Expression of confusion.
radi (adjective): central, primary, fundamental, basic.
radiel (noun): hub, axis, center, core.
raial (noun): a coin, standard of exchange. A copper is 1/10 gold, 1/5 silver.
ramith (noun): pyramid, triangular edifice.
rarare (verb): to sing.
rarare (verb): to roar, growl loudly.
razi (pronoun): (long, accented I) this. Razi (long, accented A): that.
razie (pronoun): (long, accented I) these. Razie (long, accented A): those.
re (adjective): green, verdant.
rekumbeare (verb): to lie, recline.
residia (noun): resting place, seat, settlement.
ri (adjective): seeking, searching, open.
riare (verb): to discover, invent.
rilare (verb): to suffer.
rreza (noun): a berry reminiscent of Terran pomegranates and blackberries in taste, slightly chocolatey.
ru (noun): regret. Mostly resolved, peaceful.
sak (noun): bag, pouch, carrying receptacle.
samra'are (verb): to feel, empathize, intuit, sense.
samrare (verb): to touch, contact, handle, actively feel.
sara (noun): spirit, visible specter, ghost.
savin (noun): protection, conservation.
savinare (verb): to protect, save, conserve.
seare (verb): to say, speak, declare.
sed (conjunction): but, except, only.
sekare (verb): to cut, make a hole in, gouge.
sepri (noun): dirt, earth, soil.
share (verb): to calm, right, repair, correct, pacify.
shekuel (noun): crystal, mineral glass, transparent mineral.
sirh (noun): radial, spoke, branch, offshoot.
sirhare (verb): branch out, expand.
siviare (verb): to rustle or whisper.
sli (noun): hauteur, cruelty.
sliare (verb): to treat cruelly.
suirviz (noun, adjective): person from Suirv, a Nomadic-influenced region of Ies.
sul (noun): sun, solar star with system.
sulenar (noun): spirit, soul, being.
sus (noun): snake, serpent.
sva (preposition): with, accompanying, in addition to.
taiare (verb): to bind, tie tightly.
tai'it (noun): constriction, tightness.
tan (adjective): new, novel, unprecedented.
tan'kris (adjective): innovative, creative.
taur (noun): animal resembling Terran cow, but smaller. Used as pets.
tehaur (adverb?) until.
teneare (verb): to have, hold on to.
teneor (noun): holder, gripper, pliers.
teniasu (adjective): tenacious, persistent.
ternos (adjective): frosty, hoary. Also, austere.
terthare (verb): to earn, work for, deserve.
thel (noun): star, with or without planets; pinpoint of celestial light.
thie (conjunctive adverb): though, despite, in spite of.
thoidian (adjective): stupid, idiotic, dumb, thoughtless.
tom (noun): male of a feline species, whether m'az or felinoid.
tradiare (verb): to give, hand over.
trainsare (verb): to stretch uncomfortably, strain, twist.
trus (noun): chest, torso, breast, heart-cage.
tua (adjective): toothy, open-mouthed. Also, intimidating.
tuir (noun): glance, gaze.
tuirare (verb):to see, put eyes on, glance, glimpse.
tunik (noun): shirt, torso covering.
u (preposition): through. Also, see "per".
ualiua (noun): document, record, account.
ueniare (verb): to come.
uertare (verb): to turn, reverse.
uil (helping verb): shall, will, going to in the future. Add to verb to form future tense.
ulien (adjective): wet, damp, moist. Also, blessed.
un (pronoun): who. Accusative (whom): ung.
uokare (verb): to call.
urikeare (verb): to dance, cavort, frolic.
valad (adjective): very, extremely.
van (suffix): very, much, a lot, extremely.
vasuleo (noun): friendship, love, devotion.
vi (conjunction): if, in the case of.
viliare (verb): to hate, despise, abominate.
virid'iaen (adjective): moving, poignant, expressive, angsty, emotional, intense.
vuesu (adjective): coherent, intelligible, lucid.
zakat (noun): ceremonial goblet, chalice.
zalve (adjective): cold, low-temperature.


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