Writing for Those Not Yet Born
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Although I am for peaceful demonstrations, writing letters expressing my pro life views, etc. I am against using violence as that former minister did who killed the abortion doctor and his bodyguard. And even though I wonder why the doctor performed a service in which he needed a bodyguard, I believe that murder of even those whose moral judgements we do not sure is a crime. There are peaceful methods to protect the unborn. Use them.

On March 17th, the The Winnipeg Pregnancy Crisis Centre was vandalised, and spray painted by a group of holligans (some, no doubt, who did not want the responsibility of supporting their girl friend's future child) whose sole purpose was to shut down the centre so that the girls or women who go there for pregancy counselling will have to have abortions. These scum also made threats against the volunteers, some actually threatening their lives.

Canada unfortunately is a pro abortion country and unfortunately will not make sure a woman who damages her unborn child through drugs, etc. be compelled on getting treatment. This means those child who are mentally and physically damaged as a result will increase.

Now for some other shocking news. A bill to make Same Sex marriages has passedby a narrow margin, through the House of Commons. Not only that, Bill 250-C which will make homosexuality opposition a hate crime has already become law, any opposition (unless done in the confines of a Church or other House of Worship) will be considered a hate crime. This means that portions of the Bible opposing homosexuality will be considered hate literature, Romans 1 for instance. Those who write articles condemning the homosexuality lifestyle,stories making a homosexual character the villain of the piece, as well as those schools who refuse to get textbooks promoting the homosexual lifestyle in a favorable light, those who refuse to publish homosexual approval materials or those who will not rent to homosexual couples will be guilty of hate crimes and liable to prosection. I need not add when one man bashes another man over the head in a separate incident, and another man hits a homosexual male over the head in another incident and in both cases, the victims die, the one who killed the homosexual will get a more severe sentence even though their hatred of the victim was identical. Also now, the federal government has struck down the bill making same-sex marriages illegal in Canada and in Manitoba as well as in several other provinces, any marriage commissioner who refuses to marry two homosexuals to each other will have to quit his job or be fired. For now, ministers of Christian Churches are exempt, but don't be surprised, unless God intervenes, that they too will be threatened to perform same sex marriages or else. Freedom of speech and thought is now dead in Canada.

The Unborn in Canada are in more Danger than ever

The Canadian Senate has just passed Bill C 6 which allows for the destruction of embryos for stem cell research even though adult cells have proved more successful. This is in spite of thousands of letters and emails from Christan and other religious groups. Not only does the bill allow for stem cell research but also the use of 'leftover'embryos from fertility clinics for research, cloning, etc. It also allows for the creation of embryos for research,allows destructive invirtro fertilization with the possiblity of adoption of such embyros by homosexuals and its loopholes will allow for cloning. It is obvious that the Canadian government, that is the House of Commons and the Senate do not care for the future Canadians who would have been born. Canada does not protect its unborn. For instance, if a man kicked a woman in the abdomen with the express purpose of killing her unborn child, and kills both, he will only be charged with one murder.

An excellent article on how freedom of speech is being eroded in Canada: Free Speech Falls Prey to Rights

An excellent article on how marriage is to protect children:What is marriage for

The Crisis Pregnancy Center, available in most major cities, accepts donations of cribs, baby clothes, and has counsellors on hand. Volunteers are welcome.
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