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News Bulletins

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1st Quarterly Art News

The update for Apr. thru June
The news this time around covers general events that I am concerned with over the next few months.
This summer feels promising. A lot of good ideas are going through my head right now. I have updated my Painting Gallery and sketchbook page. Check those out for now. I am still working on my undergraduate in Art Education. I am enrolled for school again next fall but I have the summer off for now. Hopefully some very cool things will happen with the art. I am, of course, doing my annual pilgrimage to Chicago to visit and study the art pieces at the Art Institute. I have also been throwing around the idea of making some papers I've written available on my web site as well. They would be displayed as links on this page. I'm not quite sure yet, but time will tell. I am very excited about the next few months so stay involved or call me (260)422-4673.

I have found another great place for artists that need community. I have passed by "Artisan Gallery and Custom Framing" many times and finally stopped in. I talked with the owner James Jur. I asked him about hanging some of my pieces in there and he began to tell me about something else. I got very stoked very fast about what he was offering. And I think you are a fool if you are an artist and do not partake in this opportunity. He told me he was planning to set up a market for artists every Saturday outside of his shop. Kind of like a meeting place for inspired artists to commune amongst each other and sell art in that type of environment. He described his idea as a mecca for artists in Fort Wayne. I am very excited someone with a reputation is finally helping out artists in a non-profitable manner. And especially since he's helping encourage people like us to get more involved. I strongly recommend every artist who reads this to consider it! Contact James Jur via his web site at or call him at (260)456-8065 for more details. He is located at 2809 Broadway downtown. He awaits all artists. So tell a friend.

If you get the chance, pick up the book by Rick Warren titled, The PURPOSE DRIVEN Life. It is definitely worth checking out. It has changed my life dramatically; because, I have found life is more fulfilling when you share a personal relationship with God; and that means more than praying. I know it sounds silly and sophomorical, but it is very real.

Carpi diem!

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