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Guenwyvar's bio
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Vital Statistics:

Race: Panther entity


Occupation: Drizzt's companion; helps in battles and provides friendship.

Weapon of choice: Claws, fangs, and 600 lbs. of body weight ; ) .


The information here is not complete, as it begins from the time that Drizzt met Guenwyvar. However, it does not explain how Guenwyvar was created. I am researching this very thing presently and will add this information to this section at a later date.

History of Guenwyvar

Guenwyvar was first introduced to Drizzt by Masoj Hun'ett while Drizzt was staying at Sorcere and training with Masoj. Masoj's reason for letting Drizzt become friends with Masoj was so that Masoj could order Guen to kill Drizzt when the chance came, and Drizzt would trust Guen, making it easier to kill Drizzt. But when this time came, Guenwyvar resisted the command and sided with Drizzt. Drizzt killed Masoj while confronting Alton DeVir, who was posing as the Faceless One in order to take revenge on House Do' Urden, who had destroyed House Devir years earlier. Since that time, Guenwyvar has never left Drizzt's side willingly. He is seen as a companion and battle partner to Drizzt.

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