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The Races - Info on the races of the Forgotten Realms

Non-elven races:


Must I explain?


A proud and strong people, they live in Icewind Dale, near Ten-Towns, and usually are divided by tribes. They are renowned for thier physical prowess, and thier warriors are a frightful sight to behold in battle.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Halflings a cross between a human and a dwarf or something? lol anyways, they usually reach a height of about three feet maximum, and are known to be lazy.


There are numerous types of Gnomes but the most wel known are the Svirfnebli. They live in the city of Blingdenstone, located in the Underdark.


Dwarves are small, they like to mine, and have an insatiable lust for battle. They usually are separated by Clans. They also love to make exquisite weapons and armor. Some Dwarves that are well known are: Bruenor Battlehammer, and the Bouldershoulder Brothers (Ivan and Pikel).

Elven Races:

Gold elves:

Gold elves are the nobility of the Elves. Usually respected and in high positions, no wonder thier skin takes on a golden hue. They are extremely proud and more often than not full of themselves.

Moon elves:

Legend has it that when the Gold elves were created, the leftover stuff was made into Moon elves. Thus, the Gold elves treat the Moon elves very badly, insulting them and degrading them.

Forest elves:

Forest elves do not have a particular designation of Gold or Moon elves. They live in the forest of Tethir. The elvish name for the Forest elves is Sy-Tel'Quessir.

Drow elves:

A race of evil, ebony skinned elves. Drow elves came from the surface, where they were originally Gold or Moon elves. For some unknown reason (Although the loreteller from the academy, Hatch'net, insists that the surface elves were the cause) they decided to live in the Underdark. There they found Lolth, who taught them to hate all surface elves. Decades of guidance under Lolth turned them into what they were when Drizzt was born.

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