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Open Frutiy loops and insert what samples you will use. You will want to edit the smp of any sample before you record since you will not be able to do this while recording. Have the "song" on instead of "pat" (pattern) and click on the type to midi button.

2. Turn on your playlist icon and then set up the playlist as shown to the right. Row 1 will be as long as you like...for as many bars as you wish to create in one session. In Row 2 place 1 column open.Then click on the word "Pattern 2" (unlike what I have showing hehe) so it is lit. Its now back to the step sequencer to lay your first sample down. Notice that Patter 9 is listed as main automation. You will play with that after creating your source of samples in the end. :)

Hit the record button.


Highlight the first sample in your step sequencer by clicking on the light to the right of the samples name.


If you look above, Pattern selctor 2 should be lit as well.

At this point, feel around your keyboard and you will getuse to what notes are where. "C" tends to be note c, higher tones will be O, P, Q etc etc....(each instrument has its own set to the keys, experiment around)


Hit the space bar to start then start typing those keys. it helps to have the playlist editor in view so you are able to see where you are as you record. Once its finished following the bars you have selected in row 1 you will see the steps you have just recorded in realtime.

6. No you go hit the light on the right next to sample #2 as you did for sample 1 and hit your space bar again. Note that the reord button will stay on through out this session. Type the keys as you did before then go through each of your samples as such. Once you have done this for each sample time to mix on.
7. Now click on Pattern 9 either in the editor or as the main automation in your playlist editor and then hit the spacebar. At this point start moving your volumes and pans as you go. Please note that you do not need to have any light active on any of the samples...and even better, you do not need to do all fades, pans etc in one session for all the tracks. You can hit the space bar and just fade in and out for just one sample at a time. Then after that, hit space again and work on any panning. Its a free game!! Keep playing with them till you get them just right to your liking. Once that is done then go to File -> Export-> wav...and viola!!!