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I’ve decided, after much thought To commit silent suicide. A quiet life of nothing. A life of longing and forgetting. But after feeling the sunlight melt into my eyes, After feeling transcendental bliss one more time, I shall forgo suicide And hope for a life… Spiritual awakening, Political debating, Religious forsakening, And above all else, human forgiving. And I hope to visit the land Of things we’d all liked to have said And to take notes on my ignored notepad, For use, perhaps, in the forgotten and misplaced future. I realized it’s comforting to believe in destiny, But what of destiny is left for you or me? The disenfranchised, the distant The overlooked, the forgotten and The overwhelmed. I’m looking through the keyhole In an opened door Hoping to find truth, An answer to the question “Why?” And all the while I’ve realized That there are no questions There are no answers, Only pain and humanity.