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Knowing You

Knowing You I wish that I could say Exactly what's in my head. But the words seem too foolish, So I write them instead. I have something to tell you, I really want you to know. Just how special you've become, As I've watched our friendship grow. I used to worry about what to say, And if you'd judge my thoughts. But since we've gotten closer, Most of the insecurities were forgot. I haven't really told you, Just what kind of difference you've made. And I'm really glad I met you, So glad that I played. Just thinking of you, Brings a smile to my face. And sharing things with you Makes this feel like a safe place. I hope it doesn't scare you, That my feelings carry this weight. I know it's so strange, But I have to get this straight. Some people touch lives, And never really know. The strength that is given, When the heart can grow I am better for knowing. I'm wearing your smile, And I wish you could see So, though I might not say it, Know these words are for you. A little foolish... maybe. But true.