Elite Federation Force www.elitefederationforce.angelfire.com <bGSOUND SRC="das_boot.mid">
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Welcome To StarBase 13213
Your Baggage will be sent to your quarters.
The tour will begin Shortly, while you wait please take advantage of our rare sites and food in the lounge.
Please be aware of all security measures on your visit. some places are off limits to non StarBase personnel.
Captain-Murjuri is on special assignment. So you will not be meeting him this tour.
He is currently Assigned to Federation Starship NCC-45871 Excelsior Class USS MoFuger.

Elite Federation Force
The EFF is made up of a great group of people who like to have fun and get down and dirty in COMBAT. Using Starfleet Command 1 & 2, We are Making friends and bringing these games to a new high. Below you will find what we call EFF. You will find our Battle pic, ranks, and how to be come a member of EFF.

Good Luck inside this site

The Beginning The Rules Join EFF
Lyran Squad Ranks The Scripts Tournaments
EFF Forums The Training Medals

Other Fleet Web sites
Fleet Admiral's Site Commadore Verm's Captain Daz

All Starfleet Command Games Are presented By