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Welcome To The Universal Love Feminist Church!

Welcome To The Pages of The Universal Love Feminist Church

"And God Created Them...Male And Female God Made Them..."

No matter what the matter what name or sex we assign to our personal Deity...most of us genuinely believe that male and female were put here to complement one another, and not to be subjected to indignities, abhorrence, cruelty, or disrespect by the other. No faith should knowingly or officially foster or encourage disparity of treatment because of sex or race.

The Universal Love Feminist Church would like to place religious freedom back into the hands of men and women the world over. We would like to see mainline Christianity return to the simple tenets of the first century where female disciples were as important and as enthusiastically involved in the faith as were their male counterparts!

We would like to free men and women of the chains of religious prejudice aimed at the total disparity of treatment of females and males in nearly every currently existing mainline faith, and we would like to extend a welcome to those of you who firmly believe that no religion should foster sex bias, race bias, or lack of respect for any person based on sex, color, ethnic origin, or personal belief.

As the sad stories of traditional male clergy abusing their roles as shepherd and caretaker increase every day, it is now even more imperative that churches the world over re-examine the role of females in the churches, and re-evaluate their solemn oath to relegate females to the back seat!

It is time for us to step forward and become a full partner in our faiths!


The Universal Love Feminist Church would like to take this opportunity to applaud the recent actions of several European and American Roman Catholic Dioceses for their ordination of a number of women to the deaconate and priesthood! Well done! Another giant step for religious freedom and cooperation! Welcome to the 21st century! You are once again returning to the precepts of the 1st century, when women were equals in the newly born Christian faith!

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You Are A Part Of God's Plan
