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Episodes 13-20




Episode 13: Season of Hell


Kirika befriends a painter, and decides that she wants to paint with him. However, Mireille tells Kirika that it would be better if she didn't meet him anymore, but all Kirika does is look down. The next day, she finds the painter resting against a tree and when she picks up his jacket, a medal falls out. He sits up and tells her that she can have the medal. That night, when Mireille and Kirika are eating at a restaurant, Mireille asks whether she still meets him. Kirika slowly says yes, and Mireille tells her not to meet him anymore. However, Kirika asks why. A man, Gare, who wants revenge on Mireille, gathers some men and they attack Mireille and Kirika, who kill them all easily. Mireille then points the gun at Gare, but before she can shoot, a car swerves and picks him up. The next day, Kirika goes to the painter (Milosh), and when they have finished painting, they walk up to the paint shop to depart. As Milosh is walking off, Kirika sees the tile that he wanted and buys it, running after him and calling his name. He turns and smiles, but just then Gare drives past, firing a machine gun. Kirika rolls out the way and pulls out her gun, but he drives away. She then sees the Milosh is lying limply on the floor and quickly runs to him, and he dies in her arms. Mireille and Kirika then go and assassinate Gare and his men before going home. As Kirika stares sadly out the window, Mireille says, "That's why I told you..." and runs off into the kitchen, where she cries silently for her friend.


Episode 14: A Bouquet for Mireille


Mireille's Uncle Claude returns to Paris, much to her surprise and joy. When Mireille goes home, she gushes to Kirika about her Uncle and how good he was to her when she was just a child. Kirika asks whether he knows anything about the Soldats, to which Mireille replies "Of course not. Or else he would have told me". Kirika quickly agrees and tells Mireille that she is happy that she got to see her Uncle again. Mireille smiles. The next day, when she meets up with Uncle again, he asks her whether she knows anything about Noir, and Mireille quickly lies that she does not and why he wants to know. He quickly brushes her off, causing Mireille to wonder. Later, Mireille receives a bouquet of home-grown flowers from her Uncle, who invites her to his mansion. When she arrives, he shows her the plants he grows inside his greenhouse, but she asks him why he really called her there. Her Uncle then tells her that he has to assassinate her partner, and Mireille is hurt to learn that he is part of the Soldats and that he tricked her. He begs her to not to be like Roland Bouquet, her father, and to just hand over Kirika. Mireille looks down and says that she understands and will bring Kirika to him tonight. Later, Mireille cries as she practices her shooting in the sewer. She intends to go out by herself, but Kirika follows her, and refuses to go home. When they arrive at her Uncle's mansion, Mireille tells him that she can't go to the lake with him anymore and shoots him. She tests his pulse before leaving the greenhouse with Kirika.


Episode 15: Heartless Assassin (Act I)


Mireille and Kirika receive a request from the Soldats that they go to Taiwan to do some work for them. So they go, purposely biting onto the trap to find out more about the Soldats who are toying them around like this. However, there has been some conflicts between the Soldats and Taiwan's Syndicate, and they send Shao Li , (aka the Heartless Assassin) to exterminate Noir. When Mireille and Kirika meet up with a Soldats man, Shao Li and her men attack, causing chaos everywhere. The Soldats man runs off, and Mireille runs after him, leaving Kirika to finish off the men. But by the time Mireille reaches the Soldats man, he has already been killed by Shao Li. Mireille becomes cautious, but Shao Li crashes out of a Taiwanese construct and manages to push Mireille off the balcony, sending her falling through the trees below. Meanwhile, Kirika has killed all the men, and quickly runs off in the direction Mireille went, but trouble arises when a grenade is thrown near her, sending her flying and coughing. When the smoke clears, a man is already holding a gun to her head, ready to pull the trigger, until he is stabbed and falls to the ground, revealing Chloe, who claims she came to help Kirika.      


Episode 16: Heartless Assassin (Act II)


The Heartless Assassin has managed to capture Mireille, but refuses to kill her yet as she wants to use her as bait to lure Kirika out. As Shao Li and around 50 suited guys walk Mireille down the wide stairs, they see Kirika standing at the foot of the stairs. They all take out their guns, as Kirika begins walking slowly towards them, her eyes closed. The men can't believe what their seeing, and Mireille is equally as shocked. However, Kirika stops and opens her eyes, giving a look to Mireille, who smiles and nods slightly. Kirika takes out two guns from behind her, while a knife pierces the man next to Mireille, who quickly escapes into the bush. Kirika shoots relentlessly at the men, while Chloe throws her knives with unbelievable precision. As Mireille bends to pick up a gun, Chloe saves Mireille's life. Kirika runs to Mireille, calling for her, relieved that she is okay. Later that night, they see Chloe and follow. Shao Li tells Chloe that she wants to join the Soldats, but Chloe says that they don't need her, making Shao Li very angry. She attempts to kill Chloe, but Chloe slices her with her knife, as Mireille and Kirika arrive, wanting answers. Kirika begs Chloe to tell her who she (Kirika) is, but all Chloe says is "Grand Retour."  


Episode 17: Return to Corsica


Mireille finally gains enough courage to go back to her birthplace of Corsica, but nobody there wants to associate themselves with the Bouquet family. She visits her old home, and the room where her family was killed, her memories haunting her again. As she leaves, an old lady calls her Lady Odette, making her stop. The old lady, Marie, had mistaken Mireille for her mother, Lady Odette, whom she had served when she was younger. After having some tea at Marie's home, Mireille is picked up men who request that she see Mr. Beltonie, the boss of one of the Bouquet family's rival organizations. She gets into the car, and meets with him, and they talk. After she asks him about her parents death, he tells her to go see George Madoran, her father's right-hand. However, when she finds him, he is scared and quickly locks the gate behind him. Later in the tavern, Mireille confronts him, and he says that he will tell her everything tomorrow. She meets with him the next day and, much to her disbelief, discovers that her parents were Soldat members, and killed for protecting her. But before George can say anymore, he is shot twice, and Mireille pursues his killer. Inside an empty building, Mireille shoots him, and falls to the ground, revealing Chloe standing behind her. Mireille quickly spins around and directs her gun at Chloe. The news that Chloe brings her affects her deeply, as Chloe says that Kirika and herself are the True Noir, while Mireille is "Soldats' Child." When Mireille returns to Paris, she tells Kirika and cries, leaving Kirika uncertain of what to do.  






Episode 18: My Darkness


As Mireille and Kirika are practicing shooting in the sewer, Mireille suddenly directs her gun at Kirika. Mireille then relays what Chloe said about Kirika being the True Noir, and how her parents died for protecting her. This causes a tear to fall down Kirika's cheek, and Mireille lowers her gun and turns her back to Kirika. She begs Kirika to leave as she doesn't want to see her at the moment, and Kirika slowly backs away, crying. Later that night, as she sits drinking tea at a cafe, the cleaner slips her an envelope, indicating that the man in the car across the road asked him to give it to her. Inside is a copy of a page of the book that contained the other reference they had. Kirika enters the car, and a Soldats man talks to her, as the chauffeur drives. He tells her there are some Soldats who oppose Altena's methods, and that he is willing to offer Kirika information. He then tells her to visit the Alexander Trading Corporation before dropping her off. However, when Kirika goes the next day, she finds a man has been killed, and he is clutching a copied page from that book. The Soldats man calls her and tells her that he can never contact her again or give her anymore copies, but Kirika pleads, so he arranges one final meeting at 8pm that night. However, Chloe appears to Kirika and tells her that Mireille is to be killed tonight at 8pm. Kirika calls Mireille, but she is already gone, so Kirika thanks Chloe before running off. Kirika arrives just as the man is raising his gun, and stabs him with a wheel pin from a toy truck before he can shoot. Mireille turns and looks, while the Soldats man who has been waiting for Kirika elsewhere leaves at 8:15pm. Later, Mireille reads the copies that Kirika received, and is somewhat flattered that Kirika chose to save her over the copies, and hands Kirika her ID card, accepting Kirika once again. 


Episode 19: Both Hands of Soldats


Mireille and Kirika search relentlessly for the original book in which the copied pages were obtained. Their digging leads them to Austria, after they discover that the copies were from Langon's Manuscript, a French translation of the original. On the plane, Mireille reminds Kirika of her promise to kill her after they have discovered the truth and Kirika replies that she remembers. However, when they reach Austria, they find the library in which the manuscript was supposed to be has burnt down. Disappointed, they ponder about the book inside the ruined building, until Chloe appears, quoting exactly what was said in the copy that Kirika had received from the Soldats man earlier on, and finishing off the passage for them, revealing that Noir was originally part of Soldats. However, they are attacked by men, and have to continue the discussion later. As Kirika and Chloe fight, Mireille begins the see the true skill and talent both of them have, and almost sadly considers that fact that they may be the True Noir. As the battle finishes, Chloe and Kirika begin chanting in unison, until Mireille calls for Kirika. Before Chloe leaves, she tells Kirika that she will come once more to invite her to the Garden. Later that night, when Mireille and Kirika stand leaning against a water fountain Kirika silently begs: "Please...Mireille...don't me like that."


Episode 20: Sin Amongst Sin


Altena tells Chloe the story of the history of the Soldats and of Noir before she goes to bed, while elsewhere Kirika begs Mireille to stop talking about how she and Chloe are the True Noir. Elsewhere, important Soldats leaders discuss how much Altena is endangering them and how she must be stopped from completing the Grand Retour. Despite their chances, the send out the Knights of Paris to attack Mireille and Kirika. Mireille's apartment is trashed and the shoot-out continues on the roof. Kirika has no trouble, but Mireille almost falls off the roof. Still, they kill all the masked Knights of Paris, and Kirika has an evil look in her eyes. Chloe appears, and both Mireille and Kirika direct their guns at her. As Chloe speaks, Kirika blinks and changes from her evil state to an almost trance-like one. She lowers her gun and begins to walk towards Chloe, much to Mireille's shock. Chloe reaches out her hand for Kirika gun, and Kirika gives it to her. Mireille stares in amazement. Chloe then directs the gun towards Kirika's head, saying "Please accept this. The Last Guidance", and shoots, before Mireille can stop her. As Kirika is falling backwards to the ground, she begins to remember, and flashbacks of her shooting Mireille's family race through her head. She falls to the ground, her hair falling over her eyes, and Mireille stares, frozen, not believing what had just happened.

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