Born on July 5th, 1958 in Curtea de Arges.
Fine Arts Academy "Nicolae Grigorescu" in Bucharest.
Scholarship of creation entited "Costin Petrescu".
Member of the Fine Union Artist of Romania.

From 1984 organized more than 12 one-man exhibitions in Romania.

Group exhibitions abroad:
1990 Exhibition of Romanian Contemporary Art in USA
1991 Exhibition of Romanian Contemporary Art at "Druout Richelieu" - Galleries, Paris.
1994 The International symposium of painting from Cerinek, Czeh Republic.
1997 International exhibition of Romanian Contemporary Art - Geneva, O.N.U.

Works of monumental art in Bucharest (mosaic, ceramics, tempera) and of restore (coloured glass window).

Works and private collections in France, Germany, USA, Japan, Canada, Belgium, England, Switzerland etc.

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