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The corner of appreciation.

Credits and Gratitude

Ok, so not everything on this site is *completely* original. I don't want to rip anyone off though, so this is a list of people who helped me, websites that inspired me, and places that I've stolen-- erm, borrowed stuff from.

The Harry Potter Galleries: The ultimate source for news and pictures. I love this place, there's so much to look at!

Harry Potter's Realm of Wizardry: It was when viewing this site that I first decided 'Hey, I want me one of them Harry Potter sites'. Thanks, Gypsy, for inspiring me-- you sound like you have so much fun making your site that I just had to try too!

The Official Harry Potter Website: This is the official site for the movie, and the music and graphics rock. You can see the two trailers here! Thanks for not suing me so far, Warner Brothers. *bows down in humble fear*

The Pensieve: I love this site! Its full of intriguing ponderings and thoughts on the literary aspects of the Harry Potter series, and inspired The Owl Post section on my site.