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The Owl Post Archives

The Owl Post Archives

You wrote them. Now, in these very archives, the Harry Potter characters answer your every letter! As messages start pouring in, they, along with the response, will be posted here for everyone's viewing entertainment. So if you've written, keep checking back here for the character's response!

Dear Hermione,

Why do you act like a brat in the story and you're really mean to Harry? I don't like you because you're mean to Harry. You're the last person I like in the story. Harry's my favorite. And you're really rude.


Dear Bradley,

O_O Oh, you must have not read to the part where I become friends with Harry and Ron yet. But I wasn't being rude at first when I met them, they were ever so reckless, it was necessary that I interfered with their foolishness, of course. They could have gotten killed-- or worse, expelled! *cringes at the thought*

Love from,

Dear Voldemort,

Why do you want to kill Harry? And why are you the bad guy? I don't want you to kill Harry, cuz he's a good person. You'll probably never kill Harry. I'll kill you back if you kill Harry!

Signed, Meagan

Dear Meagan,

*smiles coldy* You have many questions, young one. Did you expect Lord Voldemort to entertain your naive inquiries and empty threats? My wand has extinguished the lives of many powerful wizards and witches; you are of no concern to me, filthy Muggle. If you make the foolish mistake of interfering with my destruction of Harry Potter, I will make sure you regret it.

Lord Voldemort

Dear Voldemort,



Dear Cyber,

*fluently raises his wand at Cyber* Avada Kedavra! *turns to Wormtail* Come, Wormtail... now that that fool is taken care of, let us find the idiot Muggle that dared to put us on this mailing list.

Lord Voldemort

Dear Harry,

I think about you every day& night. you are my top 1 favorite person. Hermone, ron are the other two. I would like to talk to you more. so let me web freinds.


Dear Katharine,

*blushes* I'm, er, flattered. Hermione and Ron are quite pleased too. I'm busy with homework and classes at Hogwarts, but I'll do my best to find time to write you back if you send me an owl again. I'd be glad to be your friend. Just do me a favor, and don't hang with the Slytherins!


Dear Dumbledore,

We muggles here feel awful left out because we despreatly would love to be wizards and witches, but are lacking magic. Could we get maybe some jobs in the kitchens or as janitors or something? I mean that big grand castle must need dustin right? We love you Dumbledore!


Dear Anoynomous,

Why, I would love nothing more than for Muggles and wizards to live together in harmony-- except maybe receiving a lifetime supply of socks. However, there are unfortunately many people in the wizarding world who are very prejudice against non magical people, and some are so against Muggles, in fact, that I fear that your safety would be in jeopardy if you were allowed to come to Hogwarts. Aside from all that, Hogwarts is betwitched with several charms and spells to make it appear as nothing more than ruins to the Muggle eye. And, I don't believe our house elves would be happy if we allowed humans to impose on their work. But don't feel left out-- you can visit Hogwarts anytime by reading the books that chronicle the adventures of our brave Gryffindor student and his loyal friends-- the Harry Potter series.


Dear Oliver,

So.. Oliver.. graduated did you? Do you have any aspirations of being a professinal Quiditch player? Because your really great at it ;) So Oliver I was just wondering. Do you have a serious relationship, or would you ever consider dating a muggle? My uh.. my friend Jenny wanted to know. thanks! Hope to hear from you soon *wink wink, blush, giggle*


Dear Julianna,

Thank you. Of course I've considered being a professional Quidditch player; Quidditch is my life! As for relationships, I'm too busy right now with, well, Quidditch! I have to keep in good practice even though I'm not at Hogwarts anymore because I never know when a Qudditch opportunity might come up. I might would date a Muggle... if she liked Quidditch...


Dear Hermione,

I want to have your babies.

a crazy obsessed psycho stalker from Connecticut.

Dear crazy obsessed psycho stalker from Connecticut,

HEY! It's a good thing that I intercepted Hermione's owl and read her letters before she could... not that I always do... er, anyway! Don't write stuff like that to Hermione, she's mine! Erm, I mean she's Krum's! Yeah, Krum's... erm... eat dung, Muggle!

a very angry Ron Weasley

Dear Draco,

Wow your a snob. You know you'd be a cute kid if you'd just shape up! What is your need to be such a brat? You remind me of my brother. Brat.. BRAT!  


Dear Maria,

Wow you're a Muggle. You know, you might be worth the time it takes to reply if you weren't. What is your need to be so annoying? You remind me of Granger. Muggle... MUGGLE!


Note: This page is for entertainment only. Every character on this page belongs to J.K. Rowling. We acknowledge this, and beg that she doesn't decide to sue us anyway.