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Summer & Sarah

Summer and Sarah are our first children. They were born at 35 weeks on November 6, 1998 after I spent a week on bedrest and drugs, trying not to give birth. Summer was born at 10:06pm weighing 5lbs 2oz, and Sarah at 10:12pm at 4lbs 11oz. They were both born vaginally (I loved my epidural) and they went home with me two days later. They are happy, healthy children who love Dragon Tales (PBS cartoon), The Lion King, and each other.

snuggled in bed

They have slept in the same bed since they were born... I see no reason to change that until they are old enough to make that decision for themselves.

Playing in a box

Just like cats, sometimes the box is way better than the presents that came in it. Especially when it's full of packing peanuts!!

Pretty Kisses

Like I said, they love each other... most of the time!

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