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      This is the first time I ever posted a fic, let alone write
one.  Please read this introduction or you won't understand the story.


     by Helen Weber

      The following story is a crossover between the Gerry and Sylvia
Anderson live action show UFO and the animated show THE ADVENTURES OF JONNY
QUEST.  This is a work of fiction, no money is made from this and no
infringements on the copyrights of UFO and THE ADVENTURES OF JONNY QUEST
are intended and remain the properties of the current copyright holders of
both shows, currently Carlton International and Time-Warner respectively.

      The story, DANGER OF THE LIGHTS, is copyrighted to the author and the
non-profit sanctioned fan club for UFO, S.H.A.D.O.-USECC.  This story
appeared in a slightly altered form in the USECC's fanfic magazine,
SHADOFILE 10.  No one may reprint it in any form or on any medium without
express permission from the author and the commander of S.H.A.D.O.-USECC,
which is currently me.  You reprint this without permission and you might
get a visit from S.H.A.D.O. Security.

      Many thanks to Meach and Spense for doing the proofreading and making
suggestions to make this easier to read for non-UFO fans.

      For those of you not familiar with UFO, here's some information
you'll need to know to understand the story and how S.H.A.D.O. (pronounced
"Shadow") operates.  For further information and to see the photos and hear
sounds from UFO and find out about S.H.A.D.O.-USECC, go to:\

The United States Air Force once conducted
investigations on sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects and released the
finding in PROJECT BLUE BOOK.  The conclusion was that UFOs are all
explainable, with only a few rare exceptions and in the early 1970s,

      In the tv show's reality, UFOs are real, pose a grave threat to
humanity and the governments of the world join together to form a military
organization to combat these beings.  Since the United States was footing
most of the bill to finance this group, they insisted that the
Commander-in-Chief be an American.
      One of BLUE BOOK's officers, Colonel Edward Straker, was selected to
be the Commander since he'd survived an attempt on his life from the aliens
and was young enough to take on the 10 year job of getting the organization
up and running.  The alien attack did injure Straker, almost killed his
commanding officer, General James Henderson, and did kill a British Cabinet
Minister and the security people who were escorting them to a meeting with
the Prime Minister, with one exception.

      Ten years after the car crash, the Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense
Organization is up and running.  S.H.A.D.O. recruits men and women from the
most elite forces and scientific fields in the world.  The only way you
find out you'll be working for S.H.A.D.O. is after you pass the hardest
mental, physical, and medical tests devised.    Men and women serve equally
and can command whatever base or unit the Commander assigns them to.

      Unlike normal military bases, S.H.A.D.O. Control is not a sprawling
base ringed by fenses and guards.  It's home is 80 feet below the
Harlington-Straker Film Studios outside of London.  The idea for the cover
is to make sure no protesters show up and if anything unusual needs to be
moved in or out, it's written off as a film prop.  H-S employees don't know
what's beneath their feet, only the command staff hold dual roles as a
studio head and producers.

      If anyone finds out about S.H.A.D.O., or has an encounter with the
aliens, the Commander can decide one of three ways to deal with the
victim.  The most common way is if the contact has been in less then a 24
hour period an amnesia drug is administered by either injection or added to
food or drink since the drug's colorless, odorless, and tasteless.  If for
some reason the drug doesn't work, or the victim's been exposed to either
S.H.A.D.O. or the aliens for too long, the victim is either shot, or meets
an untimely death.  Option three is if the victim can prove they have
something to contribute to S.H.A.D.O., they are asked to join, then must
pass the above tests and if they fail, see option two. Remember the
security officer who survived the car crash Straker and Henderson were
in?  He survived the alien attack, he survived the car crash, he survived a
stay in the hospital, but didn't survive S.H.A.D.O. Security because the
amnesia drug wasn't invented yet.  These options may seem harsh, but the
governments of the world decided if the general population ever found out
what the aliens come to Earth for, mass panic and breakdown of authority
would occur.

      The aliens come from an unknown planet and no one knows how long
they've been coming to Earth.     When they do come to Earth, and now make
it through S.H.A.D.O. defenses, they select humans and harvest their
internal organs to replace the ones in the bodies they're currently using
and also to take humans, do brain surgery on them, send them back under
their control and in some cases, give them tremendous power and turn them
into living bombs.  The aliens also plant bombs in fault lines and create
earthquakes to disrupt things so it's easier for them to harvest organs and

      You know who the Quests and Bannon are so here's S.H.A.D.O.'s roster:

      Commander Ed Straker (USAF Colonel retired) who's public identity is
head of his film studio, but his real job is running S.H.A.D.O.

      Col. Alec Freeman (Australian Air Force retired) is first officer of
S.H.A.D.O., Straker's longest surviving friend and has the public idenity
of being a film producer.

      Colonel Paul Foster was a test pilot who kept reporting UFO sightings
and got caught in a firefight between Sky One and a UFO.  He survived the
tests S.H.A.D.O. gave him and is now one of the command officers and
publicly is a film producer.

      Colonel Virginia Lake was recruited into S.H.A.D.O. when the company
she worked for, Westbrook Electronics, developed tracking equipment for
Moonbase and the aliens destroyed the company

      Lt. Gay Ellis was one of S.H.A.D.O.'s first recruits and now commands

      Lts. Joan Harrington and Nina Barry were also some of the first
recruits and are primarily tracking officers who use the Westbrook
equipment to detect UFOs in deep space and monitor flights between the Moon
and Earth.

      Capt. Peter Carlin took the first film of a UFO landing before
S.H.A.D.O. was created  and took the first film of an  abduction, was
injured in the attack, a friend of his was killed and Peter's sister
abducted by the aliens who later used her for spare parts.

      Now to the equipment and installations:

      S.H.A.D.O. Control monitors radar and deep space reports from all
bases on Earth and the Moon.

      Moonbase is located in a spot that can't be seen from Earth and is
the first line of defense for S.H.A.D.O.  It has ground tanks and launches
Interceptors.  These crafts can't enter Earth's atmosphere and carry
various armenent, but the primary weapon is a nuclear missile which is the
only sure way to destroy a UFO in space.  They only get one shot at an
incoming UFO because of the speeds the UFOs travel.

      SkyDiver is three-quarters nuclear sub and one-quarter fighting
jet.  The sub captain flies the jet when a UFO enters the Earth's
atmosphere.  Sky One can reach supersonic speeds in less then 20 seconds
from its underwarter launch and can down a UFO with non-nuclear missiles.

      S.I.D. (pronounced "Sid") is Space Intruder Detector and "he's" an
unmanned computer station in orbit above Earth, is unarmed, speaks in a
dignified male English voice and can detect UFOs in space faster then
Moonbase can and relays information to the Interceptors.

      E-T-T (pronounced 'E', 'T', 'T') and means Estimated Trajectory
Termination, where something's going to land, usually a UFO.