DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the Quest crew - that honor belongs to HB and CN. Wolfeboro, NH is a real place, as are the streets mentioned, but specific stores and places on those streets are made up. Non-JQ characters are mine, but anyone who wants 'em can have 'em… just tell me if you are using them, so I can read the fic and visit them. :-)

ARCHIVERS: Aspen and Suze can have, of course. Others, please ask.


CONTENT: Some language. About a PG rating.

COMMENTS: As usual, read at your own peril. A NORMAL VACATION, QUEST STYLE
Part Three

By Cielita (monkey837@yahoo.com )


The shrilling of the bedside telephone tugged an unwilling Race Bannon back to reality. Glancing at the wall clock, he noted, with a curse, that it was one in the morning.

He yanked the telephone off its hook. "Yes?" he growled.

"May I presume that I am speaking with Mr. Bannon? Or is this Dr. Quest?" The cultured tenor sounded wide awake, even cheerful. Race, in his half-conscious haze, took an instant dislike to the caller.

"Bannon speaking. Who is this?"

"Ah, Mr. Bannon. Yes, well, who I am is not quite as important, I think, as why I am calling. It would be appropriate for you to know that your daughter Jessie is with me, along with three of her companions, two of whom happen to be Dr. Quest's sons."

That brought Race to full consciousness. "What the sam-hill are you talking about? They're all right here."

He got out of bed and headed to the Jessie's bedroom to check on her.

Awakened by the phone and Race's voice, Dr. Quest poked his head out of his bedroom. Race motioned for him to pick up an extension. Dr. Quest nodded and went back into his room.

The sight of Jessie's empty bed and the sound of the chuckle that came from the phone line made Race break into a cold sweat.

"I'm afraid not, sir," the voice informed him. "She and her friends apparently snuck out of the house earlier tonight, and, through a long and complicated course of events, managed to find their way onto my property. The four kids are in my custody now, and they will remain there unless you do me a certain… favor."

"What do you want?"

"It's quite simple, Mr. Bannon. Through your numerous connections, and your employment to Dr. Quest, you have access to a great many modern, high-technology tools. I'm sure you are able to give up one small device." The caller paused, waiting.

"What do you want?" Race asked again, through clenched teeth.

"I want what is vernacularly known as the QuestCam2005."

The device had very recently been released to some law enforcement agencies. The FBI and Intelligence-One had been making use of the QuestCam2005 for quite some time. The package consisted of a small camera, about the size of one's fingernail, designed specifically for recording faces and monitoring possible criminal activity. The camera was controlled by a remote computer, which could be placed up to thirty miles away. The accompanying computer software, modified according to the user's region, contained a database of locally wanted criminals. Faces picked up by the camera could be run through the computer and compared to the pictures in the database. The edition released to the law enforcement agencies also provided access to national and international databases.

In short, it was a very convenient and innovative way to take a bite out of crime.

"The thing's gonna be released to businesses and organizations. You can just go to the store and pick up a copy," Race pointed out, confused.

"Yes, but not until the year 2005, hence the appellation. You know that, Mr. Bannon. You also know that the version to be released to the public will not be nearly as comprehensive as the current one. I want the version currently released to the law enforcement community, in its entirety: the camera, the software, and the international databases."

"Well, hell. We're on vacation, Tex. What if we don't have all the equipment here with us?" The amusement was plain in the caller's voice. "Well, I suppose you'll just have to go get it then, won't you? I'll give you forty-eight hours. I want the equipment, in a small box, at Post Office Box 1423 in Colebrook. Drop off the package, and the children will be returned to your current house within two hours. Inasmuch as Colebrook is four hours away from Wolfeboro, the children should be back home and safe by the time you return. The P.O. Box will be watched, so I advise you not to try anything silly. Good-bye, Mr. Bannon."


Dr. Quest stalked out of his bedroom. "I don't believe this," he seethed.

Race rubbed at his eyes, none too pleased himself. "What? The fact that the kids snuck out? The fact that they're being held hostage? Or the fact that this person doesn't want money, but a program to identify criminals?"

"ANY of this!"

The two men looked at each other for a moment, then, with well-practiced precision, started moving. Damned if they were going to sit around and wait for their kids to be handed back to them.

Race slipped into his room to change. Dr. Quest entered his room to try to track the kids' watches, opting to trace the watches via his laptop, which was faster and more powerful than the trace operation on his watch. He fervently hoped that the kids had had the foresight to wear their watches when they left the house.

With a small beep, the laptop pinpointed the watches' location, a site about fifteen minutes away from the house. They were together. Dr. Quest jotted down the coordinates, shut down his computer, and tucked it under his arm. He was ready to go.

Race knocked on the door. "Benton?"

"I traced it, Race. Come in."

The door opened, and a very disgruntled Race Bannon appeared. "Where are they?"

Dr. Quest gave him the coordinates. "It looks like North Wolfeboro, fifteen minutes away." He started. "Wait a minute. Who's the fourth?"

Race blinked at him. "What?"

"The fourth one. The man said he had four kids with him."

"Oh, yeah." It took Race a few seconds to remember the vampiric-looking kid, Tracey or whomever, the kids had been hanging out with earlier that day. "Yeah, Jonny 'n Jessie 'n Hadji met one of the local kids today. He's probably over there, too."

Dr. Quest sighed. "Wonderful. Is there any way we can contact his parents?"

Race snorted. "I don't even know the kid's name. We can figure that part out after we rescue them."

Dr. Quest started for the doorway. "All right. Let's go."

Race stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Uh, Benton, you'd better change first. You're not gonna make a good impression if you're still in your molecule pj's."

Dr. Quest looked down in surprise. "Oh."

Race smirked and strode out the doorway. "I'll start the car."

* * *

The guest bedroom on the second floor of Ulrico's house was attractive, its green and white décor contrasting with the polished wood floor. The color scheme put Hadji in mind of the pine tree from the poem "The Palm And The Pine."

The door from the hallway opened into a suite, equipped with three plush chairs, a television set, a stereo, and a mini-bar. Further into the room, a queen bed covered with a spruce green comforter rested, flanked on either side by nightstands. Beyond the bed, an open door revealed a white-tiled bathroom.

One of the guards who had taken Jonny and Hadji into custody had also escorted the four to the guest room. He nodded toward the inside of the room. "It's got the works," he said in a voice that was surprisingly soft, given his husky build. "Have fun." He closed the door behind him as he left.

Jonny went straight to the bed and fell backwards on it. "Whoa," he murmured, crossing his hands under his head. "This room's got everything."

Jessie, who had been quietly scanning the room, shook her head. "Not everything. It doesn't have a phone. Does that seem just a little odd to you?"

Stacey inspected the television and stereo. "This whole night seems odd. So what now?"

"I suppose there is nothing left to do except wait until Mr. Ulrico is ready to take us back to the house," Hadji said. He sauntered to a corner near the bed and sat down, arranging himself in the Lotus position. Stacey watched him curiously.

"He likes to meditate in his spare time," Jessie informed him.

"Yes; it is beneficial to the mind, body, and soul," Hadji agreed.

"Hey, cool stuff." Locating the remote control, Stacey flicked on the television. "Anybody up for some late Nick-at-Nite goodness?"

Jonny sat up. "Sure."

Jessie shook her head. "No, thanks. I've got a headache." She retreated to Hadji's corner. Hadji radiated peace and tranquility the way a fire did warmth and light, especially when he was meditating. His presence was the best for someone with a headache.

"I Love Lucy" was on, and Stacey and Jonny laughed along with it for a few minutes before Jonny sprang up. "Hey, that Ulrico guy's got our water pistols!"

Jessie scowled. "It's a quarter past one in the morning. We've been trussed up and tossed in here, and as we speak, our parents are getting a phone call and thinking about where to hide our bodies after they're done killing us, and you want your stupid *water pistols*?"

Jonny shrugged. "Those are nice pistols. I want to get them back, at least."

Stacey, seeing the expression on Jessie's face, spoke up. "Y'know, Hadji and I are witnesses, Jess…"

"Yes, Jessie," Hadji put in from his corner. "Would it really be wise to kill him now?"

Jessie gave Jonny one last venomous glare, then sighed. "No, I guess not."

Jonny grinned. "Yeah… uh, thanks, Stacey." He strode to the door. "I just want to see if we can get those back before we leave." He tried to turn the knob. "Hey, it’s locked!"

"Well, imagine that," Stacey remarked.

"No, I'm serious. We've been locked in!" Jonny insisted.

"Well, there's not too much we can do about that, now is there?" Stacey said reasonably.

"Sure there is! We can find a way to get out of here!"

"And catch the attention of every guard in this house while doing it," Jessie said dryly.

"And, Jonny, if we do manage to get out of this room without attracting undue attention, how would we get back to Wolfeboro? Mr. Ulrico has our hoverboards," Hadji pointed out. Giving up all attempts at meditation, he relaxed into a cross-legged position.

"Yeah, I guess that's true…" Jonny conceded. "Man, are we gonna get in trouble for this!"

Hadji opened his mouth, about to reply, but was interrupted by the sound of Hell breaking loose downstairs.


"What the HELL?!"


"Everybody FREEZE!"


"Rupert Ulrico, this is the police! We've surrounded the house. Come out with your hands behind your head!"

"Where the hell is he?!"

Footsteps pounded up the stairs. The banging resumed, this time on the doors to the various bedrooms on the second floor.

"Rupert Ulrico, this is the police! Come out with your hands behind your head!"

Jonny, Hadji, Jessie, and Stacey looked at each other, not quite knowing how to respond.

That dilemma was resolved for them as the door was kicked open. Two police officers burst into the room, guns leveled.

One of the police officers, a thin, fair, lanky auburn-haired man snorted in disgust at the sight of the bewildered teens. "Kids. He's added kidnapping to his rap sheet now."

"Sir, we have not been-" Hadji started, only to stop as the police officer stormed back out of the room with a "dammit, where *is* he?"

"Cal!" The other police officer, an attractive black woman, started after him then turned back to the teenagers. Her eyes narrowed. "Stacey? Stacey Ferguson?"

Stacey raised a hand in a feeble wave. "Uh… hey, Ms. Elton. Fancy meeting you here…" Elton scowled. "Neck deep in trouble again, I see. Your parents will hear from me-" A shout resounded from downstairs. She sighed. "Later. I don't have time to ask questions right now. Just… just stay here."

With that, she exited the room and headed downstairs.

Jonny, Jessie, Hadji, and Stacey got up and followed her.

They found Lynn Elton in the front yard with other police officers. The police officer named Cal had Ulrico jammed against the side of the house. The officer was shouting in Ulrico's face, his gun pushed neatly against the man's throat.

"Cal!" Lynn shouted. "That’s enough! That is *enough*!" She pulled him away from Ulrico, who gasped for breath.

Cal was panting. "You're gonna be put away for a long, long time, Ulrico!"

Ulrico coughed lightly and adjusted the collar of his suit. "I'm sure that won’t be enough for you, Mr. Nordquist," he said calmly.

Cal blinked, startled out of his diatribe. "You know my name?" Ulrico smiled, holding his hands out to allow a police officer to handcuff him. "Of course I do. You're one of Ms. Harrison's employees."

Cal froze. Lynn looked at him, then quickly back at Ulrico. "Harrison… as in Brenda Harrison?"

Ulrico lifted an eyebrow. "Oh, so you've heard of her?"

Lynn gaped at him. "Heard of her? I'm a cop! She's your rival, one of the most notorious illegal arms and drugs smugglers in the U.S.!" She rounded on Cal. "Is this true, you being involved in her dirty operations? Is that why you were so gung-ho on coming over here and busting Ulrico? For the extra paycheck?"

Cal grew pale, an accomplishment, given his fair complexion. "No! Lynn, I'm a cop! Who're you gonna believe, that piece of scum, or me?"

"There are some documents, copies of correspondence, in my office," Ulrico informed Lynn. "I like to keep pace with the activities of the local law enforcement, as a hobby. The depth of Mr. Nordquist's activities with Ms. Harrison is surprising. I'm sure you will find some very useful information."

Cal bolted. Two nearby police officers chased after him, one tackling him and pinning him to the ground. Lynn stood silent, watching the scene. Another officer escorted Ulrico to an unmarked car at the end of the driveway, reading him his rights.

"Whoa…" Jonny breathed. "Heavy stuff."

"I concur," said Hadji.

That snapped Lynn out of her reverie. She turned and glared at the four, whose presence had gone unnoticed until that moment. "I told you to stay in the room. This is nothing to mess around with. You kids could have gotten hurt, do you realize that?"

They shrugged and looked at her sheepishly.

"And another thing. What are you four doing here at this hour, anyway? No, never mind," she said, holding up a hand to forestall any comments. "You'll have to tell the full story when we get back to headquarters. You might as well save it till then. Get in the car." She motioned toward another unmarked car, this one partially hidden under a tree. "We'll call your parents when we get there, too."

A sense of dread settled over the teenagers as they trudged to the car in question.

Running a hand through his tousled blond hair, Jonny exhaled. "Man, are we gonna get in trouble for this."

Jessie pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh yeah. Big trouble."
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