March 2, 2001 - I have a new layout!

I have a new layout. I was inspired by the picture. I've been staring at it for days - it's been on my wall since the fall - and thinking about about what a great entrance point it would make. And, no, it doesn't mean I'm gay. Or bi. Or anything. I'm still me. I just happen to think that sign is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Since the foghorn sign from the Cape.

See? It's quite amusing since it was foggy the day I took it and I was close enough to take a photo.

Anyway, I saw Jeff today. I've been doing a good job of avoiding him and not thinking about him. If course, I've had plenty of other things on my mind (shooting my television assignment, getting my presentation for my thesis paper ready and done, presenting my main poem to the class - all of these things which were blows to me because of the way I was questioned and treated like I didn't exist as a human, only as a source of information/poetry. Blech... anyway...) and Jeff has been the least of my worries. I was down at the campus safety because I'm a volunteer walker tonight and Chris came by to see if I wanted to watch a movie, which I didn't, since I'm here updating my layout and such, and when I was in the hall, Jeff walked by. (That was an exorbantantly long sentence. And I think I've spelled exorbantantly wrong.) He was like "Hey!" and he touched my elbow. I said, "Hi Jeff." I was trying to be polite because I have to play diplomacy with him on Sunday night. I can't believe I play diplomacy. But that's another thought. So I'm all over the place tonight.

Back to Jeff.

Jeff asks me how I am, so I say fine and ask him how he's doing. A pleasant and completely meaningless exchange. I would have been impressed if he'd actually said something like, "I heard your mom was sick," or "how was your week?" but whatever. I guess I can be pleasant to him. I still think he's a dork.

And a virgin.

Did I mention I like saying these things now that I have to deal with the fact that they exist? VIRGIN! I am not, but it seems like everyone else around here is. Where were all the virgins when I was in high school?

Let me know what you think of my new layout. :)
© lily keller 2001
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