May 3, 2001

I have waited wasted years for a child that's come and gone today...

Spent the day helping my mother clean. I put on a new shirt to go the grocery store, a periwinkle blue cotton cardigan. It makes me think about Cynthia Rowley's book and how she says being slightly messy is sexy and that to be flirty buttoning your cardigan wrong is cute. If I had anyone to test the theory on... But I'm not looking for that kind of complication right now. Things being simple... well, it's nice. But I will try to complicate things with a mis-buttoned cardigan when that's more viable.

Speaking of complications, nothing from the guy from last summer's place of work. And speaking of places of work, I have my travel arrangements made, which is great. Less to worry about.

Look, Jimmy's online and he's ignoring me. I remember when he used to msg me before my ICQ had fully loaded.


Simple, right? Ignoring him is simple.
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