March 9, 2001 - the big move

I had to move. After last night, I just felt I had to move. It's kind of a pain because I was used to the old set up, but this is a good challenge for me. A challenge that requires me to learn more html. That's kind of the whole point. It's been an interesting experince having to move everything. It forced me to pick up on FTP, which is probably for the best.

Chris is a little shocked (I told him. Had to ruin the surprise) I moved but he can't find it anyway because I'm not going to make the same mistake I made last time.

As for everything else... on Wednesday my poetry prof asked everyone what song defined them. Easy enough. Coming Up Roses. "I'm a junkyard full of false starts..." That's definitely me. Thanks to Elliott Smith I have half a soundtrack to my life. :)

It feels so unbelievably nice to just be able to write whatever I want. Wow! I feel free for the first time in a couple of weeks!
© lily keller 2001
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