January 25, 2001 - Work? What's that?

I haven't done much this week in terms of actual work, but I've been busy beyond the norm. Take yesterday for instance - I had four hours of class in the morning/mid afternoon and then I had to go to the bank so I could eat (aka order pizza) while I worked from 4-8. Then one of the people from journalism used me for an interview subject for a class assignment. Then Jan called. Then I called my mom. Then I went to bed.

Today isn't much better. This morning I'm calling to check on my appointment for my hand, making a poster for a meeting and getting it copied down the street and then I'm working on the layout for the poetry journal, which includes lots of typing of things people didn't give me electronically.


Anyway, then I have to do the newscast today, which, with writing all the news into radio-like form, takes three hours. After, I have to pick up my film, eat, go to a poetry reading, put on my garb and go to medieval tavern night.

Then I'm going to bed because I still have things to do tomorrow before I go spend the night and possibly the weekend at Jan's.

At least my brother's feeling better, despite the current doctor conflict (he has a different doctor for the rest of the week and he doesn't seem to know my brother's case well) and the fact that he's bed ridden until Monday, and restricted from much activity for a month or more after.

I'm glad I'm not home in that way. I'd probably have to wait on him hand and foot.
© lily keller 2001

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