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Milwaukee Metalfest XV 2001



Unholy salutations f**kers!. This website is basically just a bunch of pictures taken in 2001 at Metalfest XV. If you weren't there you missed out, can be the judge of that.  The amount of crushing Metal  Music (and over priced beer) that goes down in a collective period of around 24 hours is a brutal spectrum to experience fully. With four bands playing at any given time... obviously you can't catch every single band . Either you can run back and forth seeing portions of short sets and fighting the crowds to do so in a allotted time frame or see the select few (hopefully including their entire short set) you want to see the most.

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Of course we all realize pictures are merely a pale shadow and 2-dimensional  representation of the full force fist in your face of live Metal. Better than nothing, hope you enjoy them...


Any complaints, comments, suggestions etc. Please direct to 


If you want to use these pictures feel free, just credit me; Photo by Rev Jim Jones, or R.J. Jones. Thanks.

Dying Fetus
Epoch of Unlight
Jag Panzer
Maudlin of the Well
Novembers Doom
Primal Fear
Wyked Wytch

Milwaukee Metalfest XVI (2002) Images Page

Taking pictures is a pain in the ass if you are into the music IMO. At this point in time, these may be a one shot deal on pictures ...not being able to be in the action and getting slammed around while taking a picture sucks, not that I'm complaining, it's just not something I am NOT used to. It is to be expected though, if not integral to the price expected for strapping a camera down close on the other side of the barrier. That being said, some cheap-shot f**kers in (or around) the pit did not get just deserves. Maybe next year. 

You may contact the main picture taking man myself, under the incarnate pseudo name of Reverend Jim Jones at If you are in a band, or represent commercially, or have a legitimate complaint and don't want the pictures available for public viewing email me.  I am not a webmaster or photographer in the professional sense. Nor is this site for financial gain, if that is your complaint... suck my balls.

Some cool places you will find me and likewise individuals;

Century Media Board

Metal Coven

Beyond Death Forum

The End Records Forum

Metal Maniacs Board


Onward Official Site

In Nomini Satanas, your f**king god is dead...