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Protection Spells

Well Being Protection Spell

This spell erects a barrier of well being around you so that no ill will can affect your well being. This is useful if you are depressed about people spreading false and malicious gossip about you. This simple spell allows you to protect yourself from these negative influences. In privacy and complete darkness light a pink candle and hold it in your hands. Take a deep breath and stand as tall as you can. Facing east, raise the candle high above your head for a moment. Bring the candle down to eye level and hold it there while you slowly turn in a clockwise direction three times concentrating on the blue part of the flame. Raising the candle high again, invoke the powers of nature by whispering: - "I bind to myself this day, The swiftness of the wind, The power of the sea, The hardness of the rocks, The endurance of the earth. " As you stand still for a moment, imagine a white light surrounding your body like a cocoon. Then take another deep breath and blow the candle out.

Easy Spell For protection

You need: 1 piece of Black obsidian 1 white or purple candle 1 Sandalwood Stick of incense or Nag Champa incense 1 vial of Protection Oil or Dragon's Blood Oil or a combination of the both 1 candle holder and matches On the new moon or full moon, take your candle (one that you have already dressed with the protection oil or the dragons blood oil, if you don't know how to dress a candle go to (candle dressing link) and place it in an area that it can burn, undisturbed for about 15-20 minutes (total burn time for spell). In front of a window if possible, but not necessary, set your candle and items you need for the spell. Make sure the candle can sit in an area that it doesn't catch fire to anything else as it burns. Now light the candle and let it burn while you do the rest of the spell. At the same table where the candle is burning, pick up the obsidian and visualize it having all the qualities of protection that you may need (i.e. a shield or wall or some such item). "See," "know" or "visualize" it washing away all the negative energies that may be close to you, or touching you, or following you. Next, open the oil that you have chosen to use, and put some on the stone and on your hands, just a bit is fine it doesn't have to be lathered in it. Continue visualization here; see the oil as an impenetrable barrier between you and the negative energies. Once this is done and you have "VISUALIZED" strongly (visualization is the key to success, the stronger the visualization the better the level of success) light the incense. Allow the incense to flow up into the room and around yourself, while holding the stone. Allow the incense smoke to encircle you and then to cleanse your workspace the same way. Once this is done place the incense in its burner and allow it to burn until it goes out. Now, while holding the stone, pass the stone through the flame of the candle in a right to left manner, careful not to burn yourself here. Do this 3 times, the whole time saying aloud what you want the stone to do for you, in this case protect you from negative energies and such. Once this is completed lay the stone in front of the candle, as close to the table edge as possible, then allow the candle to burn for another 10 -15 minutes. You need not be present at this stage but remember it's never smart to go off and leave a candle burning. When the time has passed pick up the stone again. Say the following while: "It is as I have said, All things are, as I need! This spell is done. SO MOTE IT BE!" Now take the candle to a window or a doorway and allow the smoke to waft out the opening as you blow it out. Next put the candle back on the table and pick up the incense and walk CLOCK_WISE around the room 9 times or 13 times. This seals your spell, if there is any incense left allow it to burn out. Pick up the stone and either carry it with you for protection or place it in a specific area you wish to protect. That's it! Just clean up and your protection spell is set. If you feel the need to re-energize the spell all you need do is light a candle (the color you used to begin the spell) and place the stone in front of the burning candle. You can also use the oil of previous choice (i.e. Protection or Dragons Blood or a combination of both) to re-energize your spell. Now for those of you who need to know exactly when to re-energize your spell I say the rule of thumb is when the stone starts to get 'sticky' and 'ishy' feeling, this shows that it has been working a lot against negative energies. If that's still not good enough, I say re-energize on the full moon, every 3 months. That's not written in stone it's just a guide.

For Banishing Sickness

On the night of a new moon, take a piece of white chalk and draw a pentacle on the floor about 4 feet wide. light the candle and hold it in your right hand. step into the pentacle, face east and thrice recite the following: Ofano, Oblamo, Ospergo. Hola, Noa Massa. Light, Beff, Cletemati, Adonai, Cleona, Florit. Pax Sax Sarax Afa Afca Nostra Cerum, Heaium, Lada Frium.(!)

Prayer for Strength and Protection

God and Goddess of the skies please respond to my cries Lift me up in your strong arms away from those who seek to harm Shield me from the awful rage that shall face me day to day Help me be strong in what I do and help my heart remain true Give me strength to face each day and the hardships before me lain Let those who I love love me in return and everyday let me learn I bid you both my spirit keep while I'm awake and asleep So mote it be

Spell for Protection in the Snow

You will need: One peppercorn A pinch of salt Pinch of powdered ginger Pinch of powdered cloves A small pinch of red cotton cloth Place the peppercorn in you bowl saying and visualizing: I charge you with protection Place the salt in saying: I charge you with stability Place the cayenne pepper in saying: I charge you with warmth. Place the ginger in saying: I charge you with protection Place the cloves in saying: I charge you with protection. Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, visualize yourself having a safe health, guarded time. Now transfer the hers to the center of the cloth squares. Fold in half and in half again and sew up the ends. Carry this with you. Make a new charm ever snowy season.

To Keep Evil From Your House

Make a magickal tea from any of the following herbs and then sprinkle some of it in the corners and doorways of your home to purify, defeat all wicked conjuring, and prevent evil forces from entering: angelica root broom tops curry powder holy thistle poke root (which can also be added to your bath or cleaning water) tormentil

To Protect an Object

With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric-blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace: With this pentagram I lay Protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch Let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three: This is my will, so mote it be!

Protecting Items from Prying Eyes

This is a spell that protects your witch chest, if you have one, or your place where you keep magickal items you don't want others to see. Have a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and one of those cheap misters you can get in the drugstore. Put candles in the four corners and light them. Cast a circle and Call the Corners. Then Hold your hands over the bowls of water and salt, and allow your magick to flow through your arms onto the objects, surrounding them with protective light. Say: Protect from prying eyes What only I can see Protect from prying eyes These magick things of me Make a veil of mystic worth Protect this magick (whatever your object is)'s hearth Let ourlines be blurred Blended smudged and slurred Only my eyes can see The secrets which entrusted be Then hold your hands over the water, and say: I consecrate this water for protection In the name of the Lady and the Lord so mote it be! Then hold your hands over the salt, and say: I consecrate this water for protection In the name of the Lady and the Lord so mote it be! Then put the water and salt into the mister and lightly mist your object(s) Your personal belongings are protected!!

Pet Protection

Materials: animals fur/feather/sheded skin red/white cloth(3" by 6" approximate) white/red thread with sowing needle red/white 4" candle with holder tool to carve on candle paper square(6" approximate) pencil loose incense(copal, frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli, myrrh; two needed) Ground black pepper White Lotus oil herbs: 1/8 tsp ground garlic 1/8 tsp vervain 1/8 tsp catnip 1/8 tsp crushed rose petals(red or white) 1 willow leaf 1 bay leaf Draw a winged disc(disc @4")and cut out of paper. On the front draw a quadracep or tricep in center with a scarab above and with remaining space around disc, write 'Scarab spirit, guard my blessed (pet's name) from harm' in runes. On the back of winged disc, draw a Pentacle with an eye in center and a snake encircling Pentacle. Anoint with Lotus oil and set aside to dry. On candle inscribe 7 protection runes. Mix loose incense and ground pepper. anoint candle with Lotus oil and roll in mixture to cover candle and set aside in holder. Fold cloth in half and sew two sides to make a pouch. Insert all herbs in herb list and pet's fur or what have you. Set aside. Light candle and say: "Sacred scarab, Sacred snake, protect and guard my beloved and blessed (species of pet), (pet's name), from harm. Watch over him/her day after day, night after night, in and out of my sight! So mote it be." Burn paper disc in cauldron and insert cool ashes into pouch. Sew it shut and charge 'pillow'. Repeat chant and let candle burn down. Bury wax remain beside a big strong tree. You may keep 'pillow' in pet's bed if possible, if not keep it in a box with picture of pet.

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