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Welcome to Mystifying Moon

My Favorite Web sites

Angelfire Home Pages
Witch's Webring of Merchants
Pagan Auctions
My Book of Shadows
9-11 Dedication Page

Merry Meet and Brightest Blessings!!! Thank you for visiting my website. My craft name is MoonAngel. Please feel free to go to any of my links below. You can Instant Message me if you are using AOL or AOL AIM, if not the link below will take you to sign up for either of them. My screen name is moonangel021 on AOL (if you are IMing me after seeing this site please let me know, Thanks). ***IF YOU ARE EMAILING ME PLEASE PLACE IN SUBJECT LINE "FROM YOUR SITE", IF YOU ARE IMING ME PLEASE START OUT THE IM BY STATING "I SAW YOUR SITE"...THANK YOU!!! Please look around, stop and sign my guestbook. Glad to have you here. Merry Part!

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