Crystal Unicorns

Off in the distance, you see four pretty unicorns dancing with butterflies. The site amazes you, and you stop to watch for a moment. Surely Phoenyx is around here somewhere to tell you what you have found. After a few more mimutes, you start to feel tired and decide to rest while you wait for Phoenyx to show up. Several hours later, you awake and find that the unicorns have curled up next to you and fallen asleep. You sit up and see Phoenyx coming over a hill, followed by the butterflies. What is up with the butterflies? you wonder. Well, I see you have met Layce. She is my very first Crystal Unicorn, and very special. As you can tell, she isn't afraid of you like most of the other creatures around here are. Upon hearing her voice, Layce lifts her head and glances at Phoenyx lovingly. Then she looks at you and licks your cheek and goes back to sleep. The little mare that keeps to herself is Tllane'darhti. She is a bit skiddish since her first bondmate abandoned her. I just can't imagine. The other two are Shauei'Zuy and Enyiian'Rectet. They are my newest. Nyx says with a sigh

Name Layce Tllane'darhti Shauei'Zuy Enyiian'Rectet
Meaning Ribbon Rusted Leaves Shadowed Glory Whispering Breeze
ID # 394 336 469 477
Parents Wild Wild Wild Wild
Current Band Sheer'Dazies Sheer'Dazies Sheer'Dazies Sheer'Dazies
Birth Band Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
