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Help - PYM!
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Sign up to be a member of the Parish Youth Ministry. Already have an ID? Sign In
You must be a resident with in the parish to be a part of the Ministry.

 (examples: "boyet_dano" or "Josephdano")
Re-type Password:
Choosing your PYM ID
This information you type is to be use if you want to loin to PYM site. Capitalization matters for your password!

If you forget your password this information will help you.
Security Question:
Your Answer:
Birthday: , (Month Day, Year)
Current Email (Optional):
Recalling your password
This is our only way to verify your identity. This is to identify wheather you are updated to the the Ministry and if you are You are really a member of the group.


First Name:   

Last Name:

Birt Place:
People Search Listing:

List my Parish Youth Ministry account.

Listing includes real name, city, state, and country.

Parish Youth Info!
Please Write your Informationabout your self.

Contact me occasionally If the Parish Youth Ministry conduct seminars and other formations.Also notify me if there is big celebrational activities.

Interests (optional):
 Home & Retreats
 Formators team

 group facillitating
 outdoor activities
 fund raisings
 Sports & Outdoors
 Pastoral activities

Enter the word shown in the box below: 
Word Verification
This step helps PYM beneficiaries! and prevent automated registrations.Please bare in mind that registration form should be filled up only for those who are valid member of the Ministry

By submitting your registration information, you indicate that you agree to the Parish Youth Ministry Agreement and have read and understand the norms and nature of the group and you are to follow and honor the Parish Youth Ministry guidelines. Your submission of this form will constitute your consent to the collection and use of this information and the transfer of this information to the Parish Youth Ministry Diocesan level.