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Quest 1: AuricanQuest 1: Aurican

Aurican speaks to the woman, and brings her to his camp to recover. He takes his weapons and heads off right away. Reaching the orc camp, he spies it out to discover any useful information about his enemies. Sneaking in after nightfall, he attempts to kill the orc leader in it's sleep.

There's not much to add here, it seems pretty clear what Aurican does in such a situation. I could give you another one where the orc leader would wake up, or maybe have the warlord and his fellow orcs still out raiding villages while the shaman watches the camp, but I don't think that's nessecary. I'll go and determine the EXP for you

After speaking with the exhausted woman, I lead her back to my camp where she can get some food and rest. I decided this would be better solved sooner rather than later, so I allowed her to stay as long as she needed while I was away. I gathered my sword and extra arrows, already having my leather armour and bow handy, and set off. The terrain was easy going the majority of the way. No monsters of any import beset me except for a resident bugbear. He didn't pose much of a threat. He and I had an encounter about two seasons ago when we first met. As I found out, he was very old, probably the oldest bugbear alive. Anyway, he is aged to the point of senility and I can guide him away from just about anything that can get him in trouble, which I did. Just as twilight began to fall, I came upon the orc encampment. Their fires were just being lit and I could number at least 16 orcs. They were more savage than civilized. Most had on ragged leathers with rusty chainmail dangling off, more for decoration than any kind of protection. The orc leader was not hard to determine. He was definately a shaman of some sort. His head was topped by some unfortunate wyvern's skull. His tangled hair decorated with knucklebones of creatures I'd rather not talk about. His robes, if you could called them such were the color of dried blood and he ccommanded the group with much presence. They seemed to be celebarating their last raid and I could see a pile what what could only be heads near the largest dwelling. I could see that if I was to help these poor people, the leader must be brought down and soon. My scouting brought me around the camp full circle and I was back on a small rise to the west. I found a great oak to climb to get a better vantage point. I watched their patterns as the night deepened and their celebrations got to be more drunken. Around the night's peak, the camp was quiet, with the exception of the cavernous snores coming from the orcin troop. They had only one guard posted, but did not seem to want the detail. His libations that he enjoyed that night weighed heavy on him and soon even the sentry was asleep. I shifted my weigh and jumped the 25 feet down easily. The shadows were deep as their camp fire was at its final embers. The shaman's dwelling was about 15 feet in diameter and round, but its hide walls were thin enough to cut through. I quietly pulled my dagger and sliced a hole just big enough to see through in the part of the hut fartherest from the entrance. I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping at what I saw. The foul orc had kept a prisoner from their raid eariler, a girl no older than 16 was tied to a post supporting the structure. I slowly continued the cut I had made to look through until it was large enough for me to pass through. The leader was so drunk he couldn't even hear the slight tearing sound I had made earlier. The girl, thankfully was still alive and started to try to rise. I held out my hand and motioned for her to stay still and quiet. I crept over to her and began to cut her bindings. As I finished I hear what I dreaded to hear, the stirrings of the orc leader from his drunken sleep.

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