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Welcome to the site of the Ranger-Protectors of the Ironworks

Main page As you push aside another branch, a strange feeling courses through your body. You blink once, twice, before your eyes open wide in wonder at the sight before you.

You find yourself staring at a glade, in the centre of which stands a majestic tree. A ray of sunlight, so bright it almost seems divine, illuminates the tree and all others surrounding the clearing. The air is different here, more pleasant.

Suddenly you become weary, tired from your long journey through the forest. Surely here you can rest peacefully?
When you wake, you are in a bed. The building you are in is spacious, with smooth wooden walls. A fire is burning in the centre of the room, and people sit around it, telling tales and singing songs of merriment. As you look out through the door, you realise this is no ordinary home. You have been sleeping inside a mighty tree, headquarters of the Ranger-Protectors.

Don't rangers just rule?

This site is the homepage of the Ranger-Protectors of the Ironworks. Under the leadership of the one known only as Legolas ( :-P ), we seek to combat any evil to our community.

Fighting evildoers, trolls and flamers, combatting the spam and keeping an eye on our direct competition, the Ranger-Protectors strive to keep the Ironworks as healty and clean as the day she was born.

You can learn more about the Ranger on several pages.

First of these is the page on How to become a Ranger

Secondly, we have a page about Rangers and Religon

There is also a page going into Detail on the Ranger's trade

General information on Rangers can be found here.

A list of all members can also be viewed.

Finally, you can join the clan and become a fully-fledged Ranger yourself.
Gnomish Rouges can apply here provided they have a natural dislike for Aerie :-) (Other joining pages for people with special needs will be created on request)

Unfortunately, we are no longer an official IW clan. Although we shall always remain ranger protectors of IW at heart, we won't be having any activities until the time is found to recruit and revive the clan. My apologies for that.

Even finally-er, we now have a chatbox. There's about a 1/607 chance of meeting someone else there, but who knows?

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to E-mail Legolas

News and News History

10-290-01 The site is up and running

10-29-01 Negotiations for an alliance with Keldorn's Order are underway

10-30-01 The site is now officially opened

10-30-01 An alliance is formed: The Ranger Protectors of the Ironworks and Keldorn's Order will fight evil side by side.

11-03-01 The first quest has commenced

11-06-01 The first quest has been cancelled :(

11-27-01 The quests page has been reopened, with fresh quests

11-28-01 A Trading- and Non-Agression Pact has been formed with the Brotherhood of the Sword

12-11-01 The Brotherhood of the Sword and the Guild of the Honourable have merged into The Honourable Guild Of The Swords. The TANAP is not affected.

12-03-02 A new ranger joined our ranks. Say 'Hi!' to Ruven of Azusa a.k.a. Bad Mr. Frosty from the Ironworks.

13-04-02 We have a new chatbox thingy at

03-06-02 I have decided I really ought to be coming up with another quest. I have also decided to wait until tomorrow to start thinking of details...

With thanks to:

Mirac Honourguard, for providing the background
Holy Knight Delita for providing a logo I'm still experimenting with

The Complete Ranger's Handbook

by Rick Swan

Plus, I am trying to fit the site with a new logo provided by Holy Knight Delita :o)