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Player's name: Syn

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Player's age: 13

Player's birthday: August 22nd

Character's Name: Yabaiko Kasaino, Princess of the Galaxy Sunterra. ^.-

Character's Alias: Sailor Aurora

Character's Age: 17

Character's Birthday: August 22

Astrological Sign: Leo

Height: 5'7"

Eye Color: Silver

Hair Color: Golden

Likes: Cats, playing practical jokes, being annoying, being a tom-boy.

Dislikes: Being bossed around, losing, people who think their better than her.

Hobbies: sketching/ drawing, annoying people.

Has Trouble With: Silence, and pitch blackness.

Special strength: VERY agile and fast

Favorite Food: Chicken, made any way, except hawaiian.

Favorite Animal: Cat

Least Favorite Animal: Scorpians

Favorite School Subject: Japanese Language.

Least Favorite School Subject: Mathmatics

Favorite Gemstone: Amythest

Good/Evil/Netural: Good

Pets:Pan, a small black cat. Yes he can talk, and yes he's VERY annoying.

Dream: To become the fastest thing on earth, and to break every speed limit on earth >.>

Quote: "Everyone screws up once and a while... I just do it more than a normal person! *giggle*" Pan: ">.> Baka..."

History: Yabaiko is princess of Sunterra, a galaxy with three planets. Lyross, Cyraids and Aurora. Aurora is the largest, and the one that rules the others. Queen lady Serenity contacted Yabaiko's mother asking for a gaurdian for her daughter. Yabaiko's mom sent Yabaiko to do the job. However, Yabaiko seems to be more of a best friend than a gaurdian. ^^; Not much else is known about her past, except that she was a princess. Powers: She has powers over Fire and can often predict something small that will happen, liek someone bashing into a wall, or knocking over a vase. And she'll usually tell them before they do it, to freak them out. Sometimes she'll get mega premonitions, like about evil and such, but she tends to only share them with Lady Serenity. Weakness: Has a very bad temper, and is often a bit to childish with it. Water and Ice attacks also pack a punch with her.

Personality: Yabaiko has a temper that could kill. She hates to lose, and if she doesn't like the person she's losing to she'll go up and punch them square in the nose. ^^; However, she takes it fairly well if its's someone like Bunny. Also, Yabaiko holds grudges for years, and shows it.. She'll go out and slash their tires for a laugh. Oh yes, for a 17 year old she acts liek she's 10. She has the attention span of an 8 yera old.. and ifg its boring she's outta there. She's constently getting into trouble. Physical Description: Tan, tall and beautiful ^^; Her golden hair comes to her butt and is straight. Her eyes are a bit narrowed makign her look more mature than she acts. She's fairly slim, giving the impresstion she's frail... which she definatly isn't. Special Devices: A little electronic planner (it looks kinda liek Mercury's Mini Super computer, though it's black) With it she can hack into computers, and find anyone.

Henshin Phrase: Golden Crisis Aurora! Make UP!