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Player's Name: Bunny

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Player's Age: 12

Character's Name: ChibiUsa

Character's Alias: NeoQueenSerenity

Character's Age: 1,000+ looks 20

Character's Birthday: June 30th

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Height: 5'5

Eye Color: Crimson

Hair Color: Light pink

Likes: Spending time with her family and friends, anything sweet, sleeping, being alone with Utsusemi.

Dislikes: When her two daughters fight, the responsiblty that comes with being Queen, lack or privacey.

Has Trouble With: Lighting and thunder storms, being alone, the dark.

Special strength: Trusting other easily, seeing the goodness when others do not.

Favorite Food: Ice cream, and blueberry pancakes

Favorite Animal: bunnies

Least Favorite Animal: none

Favorite Gemstone: ruby

Good/Evil/Netural: Good

Pets: Diana, her gaurdian cat.

Dream: To be a good of Queen as her mother was and to keep peace. And to play hooky for a few weeks and take Utsusemi with her.

History: ChibiUsa was born to NeoQueenSereinty and KingMamoru, she lived in CrystalTokyo and was the only child. She made many trips to the past to help her the 'invincible' SailorMoon and senshi, she formed many friendships in the past, one between a horse who she fell in love with but who left to go back to Elysion. Years later she came back once again and fell in love with Utsusemi, who was a dragon, and senshi as well, it turned out a silver haired child who had come to the past the same time as ChibiUsa was her and Utsusemi's daughter from the future. Bunny. Another one came shortly after. Musouka, there were alot of enimes in the past this time and each one was stronger than the last but each was defeated till the time came when the 4 had to go their seprate ways, Bunny and Musouka back to the future, and Utsusemi to his realm and Chibi to hers. Utsusemi came once again to her time and stayed with ChibiUsa. The two married and a year later had Bunny. When Bunny was 5 Utsusemi and ChibiUsa became King and Queen and soon had another daughter Musouka. They were still battling evil when Semi and Chibi became King and Queen but soon all was done. And 10 years later there is still peace. Chibi now watches her two daughters growing up with her husband Utsusemi, living happily and hoping for the peace never to be shattered.

Powers: She can use the ginzuishou for protecting and healing, and other things but rarly does because of how much energy it uses.

Weakness: Seeing innocent people in danger, or anyone she loves.

Personality: ChibiUsa is bubbly and talktive, much like she was as a teenager, she dosen't like that she dosen't have much privacy or time to be alone with Utsusemi, and wishes she could play hooky for awhile and go away on a vacation. She cares about all people and hates to see others hurt. When others fail to see the good side to someone she will, shes trustful, this can be a pro and con. Chibi stands up for others and believes no one is truly evil. She cares deeply for her husband Utsusemi, and her two children, as well as Utsusemi's brother and sister, Mikado and Masa who she thinks of as her own brother and sister. She hates to accept when shes wrong and somtimes gets upset for no reason.

Physical Description: ChibiUsa has olive colored skin, and crimson eyes with beatiful black lashes. She has a small nose and rosebud lips, her hair is a soft pink pulled into two odangos one on the each side of her head they are small and slighlty pointed reslbming a cone shape. She has a small frame and is very skinny she gives off the look of a queen who can't protect herself. But looks can be deciving.

Special Devices/Weapons:

Ginzuishou: A crystal which holds massive power.