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Character's Name: Doushin Douyou

Meaning: “Doushin” = child’s mind, “Douyou” = children’s song,

Character's Human Alias: Hamasaki Doushin

Character's Age: 27, in Earth years

Character's Birthday: October 29

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Height: 6 ft, 4 in.

Eye Color: Wild green, with fleck of yellow

Hair Color: Dark gray, almost black

Hobbies: Sculpting. In fact, she has made a career out of it. She own a pottery/ sculpture shop in the Crystal Tokyo Marketplace.

Quote: “Ah, children… Such a blessing… Such a hitch!”



Personality: Doushin is a solitary person, but enjoys the occasional social gathering. To many, she comes off as an intellectual person. She is often seen reading a book or listening to soft music, classical and jazz, along with blues. She also has a gentle, motherly disposition, but that is also what makes her so dangerous. People are naturally drawn to her… Like a fly is to a spider.

Physical Description: Her almost black hair comes down to about her mid back. Often, she will have it tied back in a braid, or allow it to hang down. Her hair is naturally wavy, and appears almost like dark water when it moves in the wind. Her eyes are a wild green, with touches of yellow along the edges and near the pupil. She moves like a woman trained like a princess. Her appearance is always attractive, but in that motherly kind of way.