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Name: Koinu KaUrufo Hamasaki

Meaning: Puppy

Alias: Angel Pup

Age: 11 (but sometimes is mistaken as 13)

Birthdate: June 28

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Height: 4’7”

Eye Color: Dark Blue with Gold Specks

Hair Color: White- blond (Like her mother’s)

Likes: Winter and snow; Thunder storms; Nature; Piyup, Burak, and Kamots; Her best friend, Musouka; Raspberries; Boys (especially Quatre)

Dislikes: Nightmares; When people still treat her like she’s a baby when she’s 11 and said to be as mature as a 16 year old (not like Bunny

Hobbies: Gathering flowers; Playing in the snow; Hanging out with Musouka: Trying on Bunny’s ‘secret’ clothes with Musouka; Crushing on older guys in the kingdom.

Has Trouble with: Obeying others; Falling asleep

Special Strength: She has the gift to talk to animals an nature that aren’t gifted with the trait of human speech.

Favorite Food: Raspberries and chocolate chip cookies

Least Favorite Food: Any type of meat of fish

Favorite Animal: Wolves (Especially Piyup)

Least Favorite Animal: Has none

Pets: (Don’t quite count as pets)

*Burakkupansa (Burak for short)~ Black panther and her spirit guide

*Piyup ~ Large brown wolf and her animal guardian

Favorite Subject: English

Least Favorite Subject: History

Favorite Gemstone: Amethyst

Dream: To grow up to be just like her mother.

Quote: “Dream on.”


Koinu was born in the year 3151. She is the daughter of Quistis and Yukimusha Hamasaki. She was nearly killed when she was a baby by Omedon when he returned from his icy tomb in the Earth. She and her friend, Musouka, both held the power to bring Omedon to his death. She grew up through mostly peaceful time, then things got worse. There was a need for the Mystics and Senshi to send Koinu and Musouka to the past, the only place they would be safe. Being sent to a time trapped in the far past was safe enough so the new evil in the future, wouldn’t be able to find them. She was sent to be with her mom in the future, and to learn from the senshi how to start her training and learn more about her heritage, being half Druid. Once the danger in her own time was over, she and Musouka returned to their home in the year 3151. Through the next 5 years she grew up with Musouka and Bunny as her sisters, even if they weren’t. Now she’s 11, and she and Musouka have found a new hobby, boys.


Angel Tears~ She creates a rain shower over the enemy. It really doesn’t do much and is a very weak attack. It is supposed to induce sleep or slow down reflexes for a short amount of time (a matter of minutes, because she’s young)

Piyup Star shower~ She rides by on Piyup’s back and stars trail from her hands. They feel like sparkler flares hitting one’s skin. Tiny prickling feeling are the only effect the stars have on the enemy.

Burak Ice Crystal~ She uses her amethyst to call upon Burak to help her make a snow storm. Then she makes a large ice crystal in her hands and it shatters, sending the shards at the enemy with the wind and snow.

Angel Pup Heart~ This is her healing attack, it doesn’t do much. It just gives more energy to whoever she sends this attack to, and will bring them back to half health.

Life Shine Wolf Feathers ~ Sounds silly, but this attack brings people who are hurt back to full health or even bring people back from the dead. The only bad thing is in turn she takes on the pain of the person’s injury or death without actually experiencing death herself. Much like Angel Wolf’s ‘Angel Eyes’ healign attack.

Weakness: She has a strong bond to Piyup. She also will risk everything to protect or save her friends, family and Quatre.

Personality: Koinu is very warm and sweet. She’s a happy-go-lucky girl. She’s always happy to make friends with people and she hates to think that there are bad people out there. She most always wears a smile on her face. She likes to be around people and animals, especially hanging aroudn the stables and gardens. She never forgets her best friend, a large beige wolf names Piyup. She has a very bubbly and cheerful personality. She can be overly sincere about things, not knowing that she sometimes should keep her mouth shut. She is often mistaken for being Bunny’s age, 16, because she has grown up so fast. She hates being treated like an infant when she is anything but one.

Physical Description:

Koinu may be 11, but she is sometimes mistaken as a short 16 year old. She has white-blond hair, just like Quistis’. she has deep blue eyes flecked with gold. She has pale, peaches-and-cream skin, like her mothers, with a slight rosy blush on her cheeks at all time. She has long legs, a sledor torso and plenty of shape to her body at 11. Most of this is why she is most mistaken for a teenager. She usually wears a black, mid-thigh length skirt and a white tank top. Her hair is usually half up, tied with a black scrunchie. She has an Amethyst ring on a silver chain around her neck. When she’s casual she wears long black jeans and longsleeved shirts (for winter) or shots and tanktops (for summer).

When she transforms, She has a small silver wolf paw print under her eye on her left cheek. She also has flowers woven in her hair and small pearly white, feathery wings on her back. She looks very much like a miniature Angel Wolf.

Special Devices: An amethyst stone inside a silver ring

Henshin Phrase: Burakkupansa Amethyst (Burakkupansa, Burak for short, is Koinu’s guardian/spirit guide)