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Name: Musouka Kannuki, NeoPrincessSereinal

Meaning: Dreamer

Alias: Sailor Chibi Dragon Moon

Age: 11

Birthdate: June 28th

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Height: 4'3

Hair Color: Soft pink

Eye Color: Crimson with silver flecks

Likes: Rabbits, annoying her sister, candy, being with her uncle and her parents, spending time with her aunt, trying on her sisters's clothes, playing jokes on people, haning out with Koinu.

Dislikes: Mean adults, vegetables, being yelled at, being compared to her sister, being told shes short, and snobby people.

Has Trouble With: Being alone, Dark, Thunder, and the doctors

Special Strength: Annoying her sister, being able to get out of trouble

Favorite Food: Anything sweet

Favorite Animal: Rabbits

Least Favorite Animal: Spiders

Favorite Gemstone: Pearl

Dream: To grow up and be a strong Senshi and a beautiful woman.

Quote: "Life is too short, always eat your desert first."

History: Musouka was born on June 28th. Her mother is NeoQueenSerenity (ChibiUsa) and King Utsusemi. She is their second daughter. She was born the same day as her best friend, Koinu, daughter of the Mystic Quistis and Yukimsuha. She was given a blue kitten named Apollo when she was three, she loves Apollo and is rarely seen without him. When Musouka was 4 she and Koinu had to go to the past to be kept safe from a new enemy, Bunny who was 5 at the time was also there, as well as Utsusemi and ChibiUsa. After awhile Musouka and Koinu went back to there time when it was once again safe.


Dragon Star Attack! ~ She uses her rod to create a row of stars that hit the target. They aren't very harmful, more of a distracting type of thing.

Moon Dragon Sheild! ~ She twirls her rod and it creates a sheild that can block one attack.

Moon Twinkle Dust! ~ She puts her hands together and then her moon symbol glows. Then a powerful beam shoots out from her hands.

Dragon Bunny Attack: This is a joint attack with her sister, they clasp their hands' together than each get down on one knee pointing thier rods at whatever they wish to attack than closing their eyes they yell out the attack name together and a powerful blast comes from their two rods.

Weakness: She doesn't think before she acts and tends to get herself into a lot of trouble that way.

Personality: Musouka is an outgoing 11 year old who has a big mouth. She tries to stand up for her friends and family, usually landing herself into trouble, but she always manages to get out of it. She and her big sister, Bunny, enjoy fighting with one another, but have a deep bond. She cares for many people. She trusts easily, not thinking about how it may hurt her in the long run. She is easy to talk to and she likes to talk just as much. Musouka jumps to conclusions and doesn't always think before she acts. And she has never understood the phrase, "Children should be seen and not heard." Because, to her, how could you be seen and not be heard as well? Shes also shorter than the avearge 11 year old but she hates when people make comments about it.

Physical Appearance: Musouka is 4'3 with light pink hair. Her odangos are like her grandmothers (Usagi's), small and round, and her pigtails go down to her shins. She has a dark olive skin color and crimson eyes with silver flecks. Her moon symbol, like her sister's, can come and go at her will. Her ears are pierced only once. She has a birthmark on her right shoulder that is the shape of a cresent moon and is silver, she has a small frame and is skinny she looks more like a 7 or 8 year old than 11 and she hates when people think shes lieing about her age because of her height.

As ChibiDragonMoon, she has a layered skirt, the bottom one is dark pink and the top one is light pink. Her bow infront is white with her locket in the center of it. Her choker is light pink with a gold star in the middle. She has no hair pieces, her moon symbol takes place of the tiara. Her sleeves are the puffy kind and are light pink. Her bow in the back is dark pink and her earrings are tiny golden dragons. She has white boots that go all the way up to her thighs. She also has white gloves that go to her upper arms. She has a pair of dragon wings on her back that she can use as well.

Special Devices: Moon Star Rod. It's as long as she is tall, actually a little bigger. It is gold with a star and moon combined ontop.

Henshin Phrase: "Future Dragon Moon Power Make Up!!!"