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Character Name ~ Quistis KaUrufo

Meaning ~ Beautiful Wolf

Alias ~ Angel Wolf

Birthday ~ July 31

Astrological Sign ~ Leo

Age ~ Appears 19 (1,000 +)

Height ~ 5’6”

Eye Color ~ Gold

Hair Color ~ White-Blonde

Likes ~ Nature; Animals; Spending time with her family; Watching Koinu grow up.

Dislikes ~ Poachers; Hunters; Being told what to do.

Hobbies ~ Talking with nature and animals; being with family or meeting new people. She also works as the Druid Mystic, protecting nature and wildlife.

Has Trouble With ~ Obeying others and hurting people in any way. She often goes along with anything, even if it puts her at risk somehow.

Special Strength ~ Healing, talking with nature and animals, shape-shifting

Favorite Food ~ Anything that is NOT meat or fish

Favorite Subject ~ English and Biology (But not dissection)

Least Favorite Subject ~ Mathematics and History (Unless it’s about Druids)

Favorite Animal ~ Wolves

Least Favorite Animal ~ Doesn’t have one (She’ll even deal with sea cucumbers)

Pets: (Can’t quite be categorized as pets)

*Nuriko ~ A magical bull elk and her spirit guide

*Kamots ~ Large gray wolf and her animal guardian

Favorite Gemstone ~ Peridot

Status (Good/Neutral/Evil) ~ Good

Dream ~ To be accepted into this world like any normal person. She still continues to face prejudice towards her kind, But now a days it’s very rare. She hopes Koinu will grow up without having to face such prejudice towards Druids.

Attacks ~

*Angel Eyes: This is her healing gift. It will bring anyone back to perfect health, even if they are in a near-death situation. The only down side is that, by healing them, she is taking their pain and making it hers. She will feel the pain of what their death would be like, without suffering the consequence of death.

*Heaven’s Gate: In this attack she shines a bright light from her wings and engulfs the enemy with it. It merely drains the enemy of some energy so she can escape without the enemy in hot pursuit of her.

*Angel Wolf Blizzard: This attack is when Quistis can create a pale, frosty, blue light. This light is then shot towards the enemy. It gives off a cold, frozen feeling that will render an enemy helpless for a matter of minutes. It only keeps then immobile long enough for her to escape.

*Angel Arrows: She shoots an arrow of light and stars at the enemy and when it hits their body it will merely cause them drowsiness, sometimes putting them right to sleep, depending on how strong the opponent is or how immune to it they are.

History ~

Quistis was born into a special bloodline. Her genetic structure allowed her the ability to shape shift into an animals form for long periods of time. They were also able to talk to nature and animals. They were called the ‘Silent Speakers’, by outsiders, although many considered the race to be too advanced and needed a real name. Quistis and her group became known as Druids.

Time passed and Quistis never aged (same as all the others). To her, mind and body, she was still 19 years old. Nothing had changed about her. The pack she travelled with still thrived in their youthful ages.

Today, Quistis is married to Yukimusha Hamasaki and has a 10 year old daughter named Koinu. She lives with only two of the pack now a days, Kamots and Piyup. Quistis has no past family, since she was five, and enjoys just knowing she has friends and family now a days. She is the Druid Mystic of the group and is a close fried of the royal family. She and Chibi are such good friends they treat each other as sisters.


She is very quiet and a terrific listener. She grew up listening to the animals and the trees and nature, so she is very easy to talk to. She always is willing to help out any living thing that is in trouble. She makes friends rather easily, both human and animal.. She loves her wolf pack and would do anything for them. The only time she is sad and lonely is when she thinks of her past. She is very determined, and independent.

She is usually very levelheaded and open-minded. She is very understanding and compassionate. She would do anything to make a person happy, she’ll go along with anything they want, even if it put her at risk in any way.

She gets easily irritated with self-centered, rude people and poachers or hunters. She is very strong in her beliefs and can’t go a day without having a conversation with at least one of her travel companions.

Physical Appearance ~

She had waist length hair that hung down in the back, but recently she cut it shoulder length. It has body and curl to it, making her look a tad over her eternal age of 19. Her eyes are gold and shimmer like stars. She wears gowns of silk, satin, or just regular summer dresses. When she dresses casually, she wears shorts or jeans and tank tops, sweaters or t-shirts.

When she transforms into Angel Wolf, a silver paw print appears on her left cheek, right under her eye. She grows two silver wolf ears from her head that jet out from her white-blonde hair. She also grows long white (pearly) feathery wings, like those of a dove. Her outfit is much like a toga, only tied up and fitting nicely to her shapely figure. A laurel wreath is woven like a crown in her hair, atop her head