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Character's Name: Rurou Kijutsu

Meaning: Wandering Magic

Character's NickNames: Vivi, Kiji, Rou

Occupation: Gypsy Mage

Character's Age: 17

Character's Birthday: April 11th

Height: 5 ft 8 in.

Eye Color: Crystal Blue

Hair Color: Sandy-brown

Likes: Magic, People, Animals (Especially Bandit), Being sneaky and tricky.

Dislikes: Being proved wrong, Being the one who's getting swindled, Being caught in his own lies.

Hobbies: Selling spells to people, wether they work or not, for profit. He is not just a Mage, but a thief as well. He spends a lot of time with his Familiar, a black crow named Bandit. They are never apart, and if Bandit isn't right with Rurou, you can be certain he isn't far away.

Has Trouble With: Perfecting his magic and keepign them from backfiring.

Special strength: He can talk his way out of any situation, and he has some training under his belt in magic, being a mage and all.

Favorite Food: Wild Pheasant

Favorite Animal: Crow

Least Favorite Animal: Crayfish

Favorite School Subject: Alchemy or Mind

Least Favorite School Subject: Illusions

Favorite Gemstone: Tanzenite

Status (Good/Evil/Netural): Neutral (He can't help it if he's a thief and his powers backfire.)

Pets: He has a crow, named Bandit, that travels with him.

Dream: To become the worlds greatest Gypsy Mage.

Quote: "I know something you don't know."

History: Wanderers, vagabonds, rogues, thieves, tricksters... gypsies have had many names, and for each name another story. Growing up, Rurou learned to follow the ways of the gypsy mages. To them, the power comes from themselves, and it has far more to do with cunning and trickery than any divine or spiritual force. Rurou was never very good at casting spells or using his magic without having it avoid the target all together and coming back at him. And due to his beliefs that the power comes form himself, he was always called a failure in the Gypsy Mage Guild. Rurou decided his talents leaned more towards the sneakier side of being a Gypsy Mage. Fortune-telling, palm-reading, love potions, magical cures-- there's no telling what a he might sell the unwary traveler. It certainly doesn't matter to him whether the 'magic' he's selling works or not, just so long as his customer *believes* it's real. He has rarely conjured a spell that worked properly, so he's learned to talk people into believing all of his spells and potions work. Even though he makes a pretty profit off of tricking people, he still works hard to try and learn how to be a better mage and cast real spells and potions. Not all of his magic is trickery, of course. His culture is rich in history and legend, and secrets have been passed down among the tribes for generations. He's learned to read the stars and cultivate abilities of the mind that few have ever attained. Few outsiders ever gain even an inkling of a Gypsy mage's real power. But in Rurou's case, there isn't much power he can let go. He knows all there is to know, it's just a matter of learning how to control the magic, not letting it control him. Rurou has studied in many Gypsy traits. Alchemy, Healing, Illusions, Kindred, Sight and Mind. Rurou was the top student when it came to understanding in his studies, but when it came to physically using them, he was a failure. He was cast out of the Guild until he could return with the proper use of his magic. Rurou had only one companion through his years of being an outsider Mage. A black crow named Bandit helped him in his trickery and deciet that earned Rurou his profit off of people's gullability. Bandit is always urging Rurou to practice his magic, but Rurou always is let down by his practice sessions turning into backlashes of his own power. Now he has made his way into Crystal Tokyo, perhaps the next place that he could work his theivery.

Powers: (Being a clumsy Gypsy Mage, Rurou's powers aren't very strong or advanced, but, hopefully, that should change with time.)

Mental Powers:(Causes absolutly no damage to the enemy.)

*ILLUSIONS ~This is the magical knowledge that allows distorting or manipulation of various sensory perceptions. May make static visual images.

*KINDRED ~ Kindred has two main effects. Firstly, it gives the person an affinity with normal animals. The animals you communicate with will respond only to commands they can understand. This provides affinity with the animals, not a means to command them unconditionally.

Secondly, it allows the mage to possess a familiar. Familiars are animals that enter a close empathic/psychic bond with the caster. In Rurou's case, his Familiar is Bandit, the black crow. Rurou can communicate with Bandit telepathically; communication consists of images, perceptions, and sounds.

*Familiar Consciencenous ~ Rurou can send his consciousness into that of the familiar by going into a ritual coma. This is very dangerous however, if Rurou or Bandit die during this stage, both die. This power helps, though, for Rurou to enter Bandit and see, hear and feel all that Bandit does.

*MIND ~Mind deals with subtle emotional suggestive abilities. It will not allow the mage to pick up others' emotions, read thoughts, steal memories, or detect lies. They can also cure insanity, and clearify thoughts.

*SIGHT~ This magical trait allows a person to 'Sense' or 'see' another character's aura. The aura can reveal three things, depending on the mage's power: color, ranging form flaming red for evil to pure blue for the highest good. They can also sense whether that person is lying. It can determine wether or not someone is or is not undead. Use of any of these abilities requires concentration, and drains the caster just like any spell would.

Physical Powers: (Causes little or more damage to enemy)

*Tingle: This spell sends a current of electricity through the target.

*Stone Rain: Causes a rain storm of pebbles to fall from the sky. This attack always seems to hit both parties.

*Frostbite: This spell, when cast, causes frost to cover all in the area with low stamina. It also does minor damage to the skin.

*Rising Mists: This spell surrounds him and his party, hiding them from the eyes of the enemy.

*Ice Patch: This spell creates a sheet of ice under the intended target, creating them to slip and just fall.

Weakness: Rurou's Familiar, Bandit. If anything ever happened to Bandit, it would completely mortify Rurou. Rurou wouldn't be able to do anything with a whole heart, there as not being able to cast successful spells or even attempt trickery or theft to survive

Personality: Rurou is sneaky and decietful most of the time, preying on the gullible nature of people. But when he is befriended it is learned that he is only a clumsy gypsy Mage, lacking in self-confidence. He rarely makes friends due tot he worry of not being able to protect them, or possibly hurting them when practicing his magic around them. He always is reminded of how great a failure he is when he is unsuccessful in a spell. He is a wonderful friend, who is capable of making one laugh, as well as showing them a good time. Who better to make things exciting than a sneaky, easy-going, thief?

Physical Description: Rurou has lighter skin and short sandy-brown colored hair with bangs that hang down infront. He has crystal blue almond-shaped eyes, making him look a bit questionable and decietful. He is 5 ft, 8in and wears a red cloak over a white shirt and beige slacks with black boots that come up to his mid-shins. He has a charming smile, that makes up for the uncertainty in his eyes, always winning over peoples trust. He is slender and approprietly built, not too much and not too little.

Special Devices/Weapons: He carries a leather pack filled with herbs, roots, powders and other things needed for spells, potions and alchemy.