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Player's Name: Terry

Email Address: darksabermcmahon

Player's Age: 20

Player's Birthday: october 3 1980

Character's Name: Terrence Knight

Character's Alias: Chaos Knight

Character's Age: 1100+ (looks/acts 20)

Character's Birthday: October 3

Astrological Sign: Libra

Height: 5'9

Eye Color: with grey eyes with rainbow flakes that constantly shift colors

Hair Color: wavy black hair down to his shoulders

Likes: Martial arts, reading, computers.

Dislikes: Socializing, small children, evil.

Hobbies: Martial Arts, helping people

Has Trouble With: Talking with women, dealing with emotions.

Special strength: Fighting skills

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Animal: any wolf except Kamots

Least Favorite Animal: Kamots

Favorite School Subject: /

Least Favorite School Subject: /

Favorite Gemstone: Emerald

Dream: To be the best martial artist in the solar system.

Quote: It's time to kick ass a chew bubblegum and I'm all outta gum.

History: He was born in Canada in the year 1982.he was trained by his father and mother in the combat arts since he could walk and never had a chance for formal schooling, he was also taught from a young age to protect the innocent and destroy evil wherever it may be. His only family was killed in an attack when he was 17. It was then he learned about his heritage as the Chaos knight.he transformed and slaughtered the Youma in a fit of rage. He eventually met up with the senshi in 2002 and stayed with them for a considerable time. In the year 2645 Pluto finally managed to trap him in a cage witch absorbed his powers whenever he tried to use them. He was trapped in the cage in a cave for 410 years when he finally managed to overload the absorbing powers of the cage and escape. He has come back in search of his friends that he has missed for thoes 4 centuries and do get back at Pluto for what she has done to him. When he escaped the cage he realized that he was way too powerful from constantly trying to escape the cage and purposly brought himself down to just a bit stronger than when he was before he was trapped. He promised that he wouldn't use full power..unless there is no choice, do or die. 10 years has passed since he found his friends and reconciled his differences with Setsuna.


Vacume blades(cutting beams)Variation: cutting claws

Chaosball (absorbs all energy from surroundings including residual magic from previous attacks and all energy presently being used at the moment then fires it in a multi colored ball)

Ki blasts

He has other attacks but they are sealed away for the present.

Cannot be tracked or traced magicaly and non due to a constant unseen aura of chaos. Immune to mind control,and mind reading. He has enhanced strength, endurance and reflexes. Finally he will never age past 21.

Weakness: Small crying children, women in distress, school based questions, most things that don't involve fighting, obsession destroy evil.

Personality: He is a lonly individual with no friends or family cause people fear his powers when he has to reveal them. The only thing he really wants is friends and/or a girlfriend who will accept him for who he is and what he does. He will never abuse his powers nor will he stand by and watch other do so. He is a very sensitive person who will help out when he can.

Physical Description: 5'9; with grey eyes with rainbow flakes that constantly shift colors, wavy black hair down to his shoulders,he is heavly muscled (due to fighting most of his life), he has a tatoo of a pheonix on his left shoulder and a long scar across his chest from an old knife wound.

Transformation Phrase:Power of Chaos