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Player's Name: Shiloh (Krista)

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Player's Age: 16

Character's Name: Ketsuki Tansei

Meaning: Handsom Vampire

Character's Age: Forever 18

Character's Birthday: December 6th (in 1700s in New Orleans)

Height: 6 ft

Eye Color: red/violet

Hair Color: Jet Black

Likes: Ladies, Darkness, Lightening, Thunder, Fog, Mist, Rain

Dislikes: Being considered Hunter and hunted, Hurting people, Growing attached to people.

Hobbies: He helps people, but often feels he's slipping futhur into his Vampires urges. He also plays the piano and is fancy with his sword work.

Has Trouble With: Controlling his Vampire instincts. He often gets cravings when he is around young women, and pushes them away, usually leaving all together so not to hurt them physically. Even if he breaks their hearts, they're still alive.

Special strength: He has psychic abilities, but his greatest strength is his charm, his eyes, touch and kiss often entrance a lady, they corrupt her, empassion her, and enchant her.

Favorite Food: Blood or Red Wine

Favorite Animal: Dogs and Cats are pretty tastey when he has a craving. (j/k) He likes Snakes

Least Favorite Animal: Reptiles

Favorite Gemstone: BloodStone

Dream: To perhaps find a woman who doesn’t give him cravings or induce his vampire urges. He wants to be accepted while still maintaining the freedom to leave when he feels he's becoming moire of the creature than the man.

Quote: “Feel what it is to be immortal. To suffer the only vengeance for my tortured immortality.

History: Ketsuki grew up in the 1700's in NewOrleans. He lived in a large and fancy plantation with his parents. He was best friends with one of the servant boys. When Ketsuki was 18 he was bitten by a vampire on a loading dock where he worked the night shift. He was overwhelmed with this incredible hunger that he never knew before and his first victims were his family and his servant friend. Out of shame in himself for taking his families' lives, he took to the night looking for more like himself. He still had emotion, guilt, when killing and feeding off of the living, therefore, he hunted down his own kind and fed on them, making him an outcast of his own breed. Time passed and he's still around in the year 3161. His vampire nature has slowly been wearing him down and he is using most of his energy to keep from giving in to them. All others of his kind are wiped out in earlier wars, or hidden, never to rise again. He has gone hungry for almost 100 years, and is feelign the ill effects of it. He soon found his way to Crystal Tokyo, where he is now.


* Sky Darkening Dust Storm!!!

* Drain!!!

* Mind Games!!

* Night Creature Shadows!!

Weakness: He can sustain sunlight, but prefers shadows or dim areas. He hates garlic, holy water, wooden or silver stakes and anything else sharp with that possible purpose that he fears.

Personality: He is a charming, urbane and very mysterious person. It's obvious he's different, but you can't tell from appearance. He isn't too fond of being around people in particular for fear of them driving him over on his instincts. He has based his life on not letting himself be overcome by his nature after murdering his family. He is very serious, stubborn and nervous around women, due to the fact that they drive him more than any other mortal. He often diverts his eyes and refuses to touch a lady due to the possibility of him using his charm powers on them to feed. He wishes he could give his heart to someone, but for fear of ending another life of someone he loves, would be a nightmare, worse than the one he has been living since he truly turned 18.

Physical Description: Ketsuki is tall and sledor, but built (not too built, just right). He has short, jet black hair. He wears a black tank-top and long black slacks. He wears a long, ankle-length trench coat and a pair of dark sunglasses. He has light, pale skin and deep gorgeous red/violet eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. He wears a silver chain around his neck and a silver ring, bareing a pentogram, on his right ring finger. He is extremely mysterious and often stays half in shadow to keep from being too obvious, but when he's visible, he is a dream. He's handsom and very attractive. He has long bangs that often brush across his forehead. His fangs are only visible when he is about to feed, is getting a craving (mostly around women), or when he wishes to show them in fierosity or just to show who he is.

Special Devices: He has a silver longsword, which is on his back, under his trenchcoat.