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Welcome To Dwelling Of The Midnight Gatherers, a page dedicated to fantasy novels with mage girls, warrior women, and other unique heroines.
This website is for information only, not the selling of books. Please check out the links page for author websites to get more specific information about these titles. If you know of an author website that I don't have listed, please let me know. Thanks :)



Last Updated: 10-25-10 - Finished "The Shifter", yay!!!! <3

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new backgrounds from: and Graphics From GloriAnon

New On This Site

The Shifter by Janice Hardy

Soon On This Site

still have that ever-growing wishlist :)

Quartets & Series

Isobelle Carmody - Obernewtyn Chronicles

Alison Croggon - The Books of Pellinor

Shannon Hale - The Books of Bayern

Lene Kaaberbol - The Shamer Quartet

Tanith Lee - The Claidi Journals

Tamora Pierce - Tortall Series, Emelan Series

Sherwood Smith - Crown Duel, Wren Quartet, Mearsies Heili

Sheri S. Tepper - Truegame Series

Duets & Trilogies

Kate Constable - Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy

Kristin Cashore - Graceling

Catherine Fisher - The Oracle Prophecies

Jessica Day George - Dragonslippers Trilogy

Janice Hardy - The Healing Wars

Alice Hoffman - Green Angel Duet

Alaya Dawn Johnson - Spirit Binders

Tanith Lee - Unicorn Trilogy

David Randall - In The Shadow Of The Bear Trilogy

Carrie Ryan - The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Sharon Shinn - Safe-Keeper Trilogy

Erica Verrillo - The Phoenix Rising Trilogy

Myth-Based Fantasy

Laurie Brooks - Selkie Girl

Caroline B. Cooney - Goddess of Yesterday

Verlyn Flieger - Pig Tale

Patricia McKillip - The Changeling Sea

Donna Jo Napoli - Sirena

Meredith Ann Pierce - Treasure at the Heart of Tanglewood
The Woman Who Loved Reindeer

Jean Thesman - Singer

Jane Yolen & Robert J. Harris The Young Heroes Series

Historical Fiction/Fantasy

Clare Dunkle - The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy

Berit Haahr - The Minstrel's Tale

Alice Hoffman - The Foretelling

Cynthia Voigt - Elske

Jane Yolen - Books of Great Alta

Princesses & Fairy Tales

Dia Calhoun - The Phoenix Dance, Avielle of Rhia

Shannon Hale - The Goose Girl, Princess Academy,
Book of a Thousand days

Victoria Hanley - The Seer and the Sword,
The Healer's Keep, The Light of the Oracle

Gail Carson Levine - Ella Enchanted
The Two Princesses of Bamarre

Juliet Marillier - Wildwood Dancing

Robin McKinley Deerskin, Spindle's End, Beauty
Robin McKinley - The Hero and The Crown, The Blue Sword

Catherine Gilbert Murdock - Princess Ben

Edith Pattou - East

Diane Stanley - Bella At Midnight

Post-Apocalyptic Worlds

Isobelle Carmody - Obernewtyn Chronicles

Carrie Ryan - The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Dragon Fantasy

Cora Taylor - On Wings Of A Dragon

Susan Fletcher - The Dragon Chronicals

Janet Lee Carey - Dragon's Keep

Anne McCaffrey - Harper Hall trilogy, Dragonflight

Jessica Day George - Dragonslippers

Elizabeth Kerner - Song In The Silence

Miscellaneous Adventures

Lloyd Alexander - The Rope Trick

Hilari Bell - The Goblin Wood

Dia Calhoun - Aria of the Sea

Sherryl Jordan - Wolf Woman

Jane Kurtz - The Feverbird's Claw

Martine Leavitt - The Dollmage

Ursula LeGuin - The Tombs of Atuan

Laura Williams McCaffrey - Alia Waking, Water Shaper

Short Story Collections

Half Human


Young Warriors

Fantastic Companions


Novels aimed at older readers because of length and/or content.

D.J. Conway - The Dream Warrior Trilogy

Noel-Anne Brennan - Sword of the Land, Blood Of The Land

Mercedes Lackey - Heralds of Valdemar

Mary H. Herbert - Dark Horse, Lightning's Daughter

Marjorie Kellogg The Book Of Earth

Read the old Guestbook

A Small Story

My Friend Cienna's Version

This is a webpage. I'm sure you already knew that, but just incase you are from some remote island where the internet doesn't exist and are only seeing this by accident as a reflection on the water coming from the filling in your tooth you got just before you were abandoned, I figured I'd let you know.

Anyway, my name is Vencora. Although it is an uncommon name, I do not deny that others may have it and may have had it even before I; but, in my many analizations of life and the humans which exist in it, I've come to realize that it is more that entirely and extremely possible for many of us to make up the exact same things, especially names. Before I came to this conclusion, I was quite disturbed to come on the internet and find that there are other Vencoras in the world. Silly me, I thought that I was the only one.

Names however, are not things that have to be individual. I'm sure that no matter what we make up to call our children, at least one other person somewhere has thought of the exact same name. It's kind of depressing, but we do have an awful lot of people in the world.

Well, enough about names, since that is not what this page is for. I just like to type to see my own hands.

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