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After ten years (or more) I have finally decided it is time to close the doors on "The Realm of White Witch" website, at least for now anyway.
Since starting this site in the early nineties such a lot has changed. I now have a Son, and my intentions to re-do the whole site just don't seem to be happening to due time issues, but the idea's are still in my head for "one day". As of this week I am going to cancel my pay account with angelfire, but keep my space open incase I ever get the time to rebuild (I already have about ten pages complete but that seems to be as far as I can get.)

Over the years I have made many friends through this site, received some beautiful emails, that more than compensated from the amount of hatemail and "save your soul" letters that I also got.

So for now its time to pull the curtains down and rest the site. Thank you everyone who has encouraged me to keep this site going over the last decade.

I am still around online, I use the name WitchesSky almost everywhere, so if you want to look me up, I will provide my links below.
I also run two groups, one is a adult Witchcraft group (by application only) and one is a family natured chat group.
I do facebook and myspace and even twitter, but I am not on any of them very often, my biggest venture is youtube, my photography video's, including one for each Sabbat. Please feel free to get in touch...In love and light.

Lisa/White Witch/WitchesSky

Where to find me:

WitchesSky YouTube account
Rising of the Witch private chat group
The Tea Cosy family chat group
My Facebook
MySpace WitchesSky
WitchesSky Twitter
WitchesSky Paganspace

The artwork on this page is entitled "Letting Go"
and is the creation of my personal friend and wonderful artist
"Linda M Heller", and used with her permission.
To view more of Linda's work, or purchase her art please visit

To view more information about the artists and photographers
whose work is used to build this site
please visit the Artists Information and Copyright Policies