Shane O Mac’s Fairy Tale land.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters used in this story VK Mac does. Sports entertainment is also owned by VK Mac.

When I was re reading this I decided that I must of sat way to long in the

sun cos it makes no sense at all but you read it and see if you can get it to make sense cos I sll can’t and I wrote the thing. Please R&R.



Shane: Once upon a time…

Jericho: Hey. Hold it O Mac we know you like your fairy tales but this ain’t one okay?

Shane: Yeah! Whatever. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah.

Once upon a time there was a princess…

Jericho: *Cough* Ho *Cough*

Shane: She was the daughter of the king of sports entertainment.

Jericho: *Cough* Whore *Cough*

Shane: She was Stephanie. Married to a great warrior, Hunter. They ruled by the Kings side. Manipulating gold and their enemies.

Jericho: Shane O skip the intro will ya and get to the point.

Shane: Now listen here Y2J.

Jericho: Now your sounding like Regal.

Shane: Shut Up! I’m the narrator and I have to say the intro otherwise it wouldn’t make sense.

Jericho: Whatever.

Shane: Anyway. One fine day the princess of sports entertainment came across one of her warriors.

Jericho: Finally. And let’s get this straight Shane I ain’t no warrior of that trash bag ho sister of yours.

Shane: Hey that’s my sister.

Jericho: So! You call her worse things than that.

Shane: But that don’t give you the right to.

Chyna: Will you get on with this already. I have a playboy magazine shoot to get to.

Shane: Sure! But Chyna why you here, you ain’t in this?

Chyna: Steph said she wasn’t gonna be in any sad story and she told me that she’d cut my pay if I didn’t take her place.

Shane: Oh! Well the fair princess was bored.

Chyna: (Flips hair) Oh I’m so bored. Mighty warrior will you please find some way to entertain me.

Jericho: No damn chance. Some of us have better things to do.

Chyna: Well if you don’t I’ll tell Daddy to fire your ass.

Jericho: Why you little trash bag ho! I’m gonna…

Shane: Hey what are you doing? That ain’t in the script!

Chyna: We know but your script was kinda sucky so we wrote our own.

Shane: Well stick to the one I wrote damnit!

Jericho & Chyna: No way that sucked!

Shane: Do it or I’ll tell my dad!

Jericho: Now who’s acting like the ‘princess’.

Chyna: Shane we ain’t doing this. If we have to do it then we do it our way otherwise. SUCK IT!

Chyna and Jericho look at Shane then walk away.

Shane: You can’t do this to me I’m Shane McMahon Damnit. That’s it I’m gonna tell daddy.