Five by What? Faith/Lindsey. NC-17.
Faith's horny and makes Lindsey keep his promise to 'get her off.' (F/L)
Me, Myself and Angelus Angel/Angelus. NC-17.
Angel and Angelus are split, giving Angelus the perfect opportunity to get revenge on his souled twin.
Of All the Strip Joints. Angel/Lindsey. NC-17.
Angel goes to get Cordelia's potion for her and Groo, and meets an old rival in the strangest of places.
Revenge of the Evil Hand Angel/Lindsey. NC-17.
Pride is a terrible thing…unless it involves sex. (A/L)
Darla's Trap Buffy/Darla. NC-17.
Darla kidnaps Buffy to entrap Angel.
Darla's Darling Buffy/Darla. NC-17.
Darla not only finds herself addicted to the slayer's blood, but also finds that feeding solely off a slayer causes unforeseen side effects. Sequel to Darla's Trap
Faithful Chosen Mail
Strange Bedfellows Willow/Faith. NC-17.
Faith and Willow start a new life
The Dark Sorceress Series Tara/Darla, Darla/Angelus, Tara/Lindsey, many other pairings. NC-17.
Darla sires Tara. Angel loses his soul_ forever. A new era begins.
Long Nights Willow/Tara. NC-17.
Willow remembers her lost love.
Bittersweet Darla/Penn. NC-17.
The one thing they have in common brings them close for a brief moment.
Devil in her Heart. Darla/m, Darla/Cordelia. NC-17.
Some people never show their true colors unless you make them.
Sarah aka Spike Girl Mail Site
Feeling Once More Spike/Buffy. NC-17
In response to Alex's fic challenge. It's located at the end.
Missing Escenes from Older and Far Away Spike/Buffy. NC-17.
What REALLY happened on the night of Buffy’s party? A little glimpse into the before and after that UPN didn’t want us to see. Spoilers for “Older and Far Away,” of course :).
Tara Ann Stridh Mail
Epiphany Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Lindsey claims what's his. Character death.
A little Blood Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Darla wants a little blood.
Shirley Temple Faith/Lindsey. R.
Faith eats and teases.
How Did You Think This Would End Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Lindsey's fantasy becomes a reality.
When a Lawyer Weeps. Darla/Angel, Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Darla tries to be good.
Graduation Day Part 2. Faith/Angelus, Faith/Willow. R.
Faith finally gets her day to play.
Heartthrob. Darla/Angelus. NC-17.
Darla feels unloved and Angelus proves otherwise.
Fever. Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Darla regretfully declines a proposal.
Yellow Roses. Darla/Lindsey. NC-17.
Darla makes a decision. Character death.