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Hi, I'm Big Mike. Welcome to The Darkest Plague. This site will tell you all about me and also show you some of my viewpoints and opinions. I hope you enjoy my webpage. If you have any questions, comments, or anything to say to me please feel free to e-mail me. Peace Out!! -Big Mike


Click Here To Speak Your Mind On The Man, The Legend, and The God.



I signed up for the Army. I will be leaving on Jan. 19th for Fort Sill Oklahoma. I am gonna be a Firefinder Radar Operator. I will not be able to keep this site updated for 19 weeks after I start. After AIT I will be able to get my computer down there so I can continue updates and such. It's gonna be an adventure. I will be putting up a journal so that I can report back to you and let you know what's goin on in my life. I will have to train Bills on how to update these websites so he can keep ya posted on my life. Also so he can do his sectiona nd make the neccesary updates.
We're now back up and running. I have created a new forum for you guys to chat at. It is not the greatest now but dammit give it time. Also when I get some money all those evil ads will be gone. The Darrell Abbott remembrance wallpaper is still available here. Also you can find a link above to speak your mind on Darrell, his life, and just whatever you feel like saying. In lighter news, Bills has started work on his section. That's all the news for now. Keep it rockin'!
I added an Adult Section for the adults out there. Please check it out. There are free galleries for your viewing pleasure. By simply clicking on any of the links on the page you'll be funding the expansion of this website. If I can generate enough money I can get better things for this site and more people to help make this the baddest website ever as well as get rid of these goddamned pop-ups and Angelfire ads.. Thank You!
Time for a whole new outlook on this site. I know I've been doing many many changes on here but I just can't seem to find something that suits what I've been looking for. I've previously been doing both a music site as well as a biography style site. Now I think I'm gonna do a user related site. I will of course feature my biography and shit but I will also be featuring more artwork and poetry submitted by you, the user.
For old news click here>>>


E-Mail Address
AOL Instant Message DarkestPlague
Mailing Address Big Mike, c/o The Darkest Plague, P.O. Box 35, Lynnville, IN 47619

All content copyright The Darkest Plague. Layout and content by Big Mike This site best viewed at 1024x768 screen resolution. Content made using Macromedia Dreameaver and Jasc Paintshop Pro.